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Prosperous Business
Students of Christian Science are realizing to some extent what can be accomplished in business, or any other right human activity, through absolute reliance upon God. If the student has been entrenching himself in a scientific knowledge of God, if he has been contemplating God as the one and only source of good, and demonstrating his understanding in his daily living, he cannot doubt his success in whatever he undertakes. Continued hourly dependence upon God brings definite proofs of His care.
Much good is presaged for the God-thinking man. The first Psalm predicts that "he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." Planted by a river, a tree is assured of sustenance, and this will be manifested in the abundance of its foliage and the quality of its fruit. Even in drought there will be evidence of its supply; and so with him who knows God. He will know himself as rooted and grounded in Spirit. In times of stress, lack, depression, he will be drinking deeply of spiritual truth, and by his prayers he will be sending his roots deeper into the knowledge of true substance, the true foundation, thus making himself more secure. This spiritual understanding will be manifested in his affairs, his home, his business; for "whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."
The spiritually scientific thinker does not fear for his business any more than he fears for his health; for has he not learned that health is primarily mental and spiritual? Divine Science, as shown by Mrs. Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 123), "resolves things into thoughts;" and the student has learned that a spiritual thought or idea, held to steadfastly, produces a right effect in human affairs. Therefore he proceeds to translate business into the spiritual realm. "All is Mind and its ideas" (Science and Health, p. 509). The real business, then, must be divine activity. It will be realized as good because, as a divine activity, God's wisdom is expressed in it, directs it, and furthers its unfoldment.
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November 5, 1932 issue
View Issue-
They "fell at his feet"
How to be Happy
Awakening to Trust in God
Prosperous Business
The Motherhood of God
A column in your issue of November 18 contains several...
Richard E. Prince, Committee on Publication for the State of Virginia,
The statement the committee made that money spent...
Philip King, Committee on Publication for the District of Columbia,
Your issue of February 28 contains a statement by a...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
Our Leader
History Trying to Repeat Itself
The Christian Science Board of Directors
Principle in Christian Science Practice
Duncan Sinclair
The Fallacy of Fear
W. Stuart Booth
From the Directors
The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Gordon V. Comer
Eleven years ago I was a physical wreck, and I suffered...
Ivy Carrigan with contributions from Arthur Cyril Carrigan
Nearly six years ago I submitted to a major operation...
Guy Le Baron Wetmore
Christian Science is teaching me how to think and how...
Matibel French
At the age of sixteen years I became interested in Christian Science...
Audrey Irene Parker
It is with heartfelt thanks that I write this testimony
Mary M. Hoyes
When Christian Science was first presented to me material...
Alice Holgate Pasek with contributions from Ruth H. Cole
I have been reared in a Christian Science Sunday School...
Milton A. K. Ellis
Last winter my mother, who is in her eighty-third year,...
Minie Klocke with contributions from Nellie Holnagle
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Hoover, Correspondent, C. W. Ken, Willsie Martin, Ralph Guy