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The Beatitudes
A dictionary defines blessedness as "felicity of the highest kind;" but because of its material view of creation mankind sometimes conceives of blessedness as merely a state of outward prosperity. While harmony in one's environment and occupation is desirable and legitimate, Christian Science teaches us that basically true thinking is the real and inherent blessedness. It coincides with the perfect spiritual state indicated in the words of Jesus, "The kingdom of God is within you." Even though domestic problems or various trials imposed on him through others may press upon the Christian Scientist, his own state of blessedness cannot be stolen from him if he realizes its continuous source.
It is significant that the Sermon on the Mount should begin with the Beatitudes, in which are set forth such qualities as purity, meekness, peace, humility, moral courage, fidelity under persecution, loyalty. Every one of these qualities is designated as "blessed." This being divinely true, the so-called carnal mind persistently suggests to mortals opposite states such as impurity, pride, mental disturbance, arrogance, cowardice, resentment under persecution, inhumanity, disloyalty. But whoever is alert and loyal to God refuses to accept as real any of these perversions of spiritual qualities; and his fidelity must extend to refusing to be disturbed by them should others, not yet versed in the perfect protection afforded by Christian Science, express them in their contact with him. Regardless of outward circumstances, one who maintains in his consciousness the clear line of demarcation between the real and the unreal can at all times preserve his inward calm.
It is necessary that every mortal who aspires to blessedness should overcome whatever is unchristlike in his character and general outlook. There are definite conditions attached to blessedness, as may be seen, for example, by perusing the first psalm with all its wonderful promises. Proneness to sit "in the seat of the scornful" is there exposed. Then again pessimism, sorrow, and ingratitude must give way to charitableness, joy, gratitude, positive faith in good.
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June 14, 1930 issue
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Annual Meeting of The Mother Church
with contributions from William W. Davis, Duncan Sinclair, The Christian Science Board of Directors
Our Sacred Institution
Clifford P. Smith
Healing through Truth and Love
Duncan Sinclair
The Beatitudes
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Luise Appenzeller, Alice B. Titus, Ada L. Curnow
I became interested in Christian Science through reading...
Mildred A. Lamb
Eighteen years ago Christian Science was brought into...
Marie I. Schumaker
With a grateful heart I wish to testify to a wonderful...
Barbara Stucki-Wyss
How often the student of Christian Science is influenced...
Gertrude M. Charlton
It was in March, 1917, that I received my first healing...
Madeline Mears
Eight years ago our boy of three years was healed of a...
Metta O. Steffen with contributions from Harry Otto Steffen
Christian Science has been my only physician for the...
Etta L. Mathewson
Six years ago I was taken seriously ill
Thomas A. Miller
Love is Nigh
Signs of the Times
Sibyl Wilbur