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Healing through Truth and Love
"Heal through Truth and Love," writes Mrs. Eddy on page 8 of her book "Rudimental Divine Science;" "there is no other healer." What a vista of thought the words open up! For have not mortals throughout the ages regarded matter as having healing power? Have not the majority of them been taught to turn to material remedies when sick, and to rely on these almost entirely, if not wholly? True, there are some who, while employing material means, at the same time turn their thoughts Godward. But have they ever questioned what they were doing; have they ever thought what must be the effect of simultaneously trusting matter and Spirit?
Our Leader's words just quoted can scarcely fail to open up a new and hopeful line of thought to every sincere seeker for Truth, especially if he be a student of the religion taught and lived by Christ Jesus. All who have studied the New Testament record of the Master's life are aware that through spiritual understanding alone he healed all manner of sickness and sin. And, more than this, he commanded his disciples, both his immediate disciples and those in all succeeding generations, to follow his example. Truth and Love were understood by Jesus as no one had understood them before; and it was this understanding, so faithfully adhered to, that made him the victor over the so-called laws of matter which in belief hold so many in bondage.
The power of thought is generally recognized. Everybody, for example, knows that when the emotions are stirred the body responds. Thus, anger causes the face to flush. And who does not know the paralyzing effect of fear? On the other hand, good news brought to the despondent has often lifted the cloud, the gloom giving place to joy and even to a renewal of bodily strength. Furthermore, evil thoughts are recognized as productive of bad effects, oftentimes evidenced in sorrow and disease; whereas good thoughts produce good effects, shown in happiness and health.
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June 14, 1930 issue
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Annual Meeting of The Mother Church
with contributions from William W. Davis, Duncan Sinclair, The Christian Science Board of Directors
Our Sacred Institution
Clifford P. Smith
Healing through Truth and Love
Duncan Sinclair
The Beatitudes
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Luise Appenzeller, Alice B. Titus, Ada L. Curnow
I became interested in Christian Science through reading...
Mildred A. Lamb
Eighteen years ago Christian Science was brought into...
Marie I. Schumaker
With a grateful heart I wish to testify to a wonderful...
Barbara Stucki-Wyss
How often the student of Christian Science is influenced...
Gertrude M. Charlton
It was in March, 1917, that I received my first healing...
Madeline Mears
Eight years ago our boy of three years was healed of a...
Metta O. Steffen with contributions from Harry Otto Steffen
Christian Science has been my only physician for the...
Etta L. Mathewson
Six years ago I was taken seriously ill
Thomas A. Miller
Love is Nigh
Signs of the Times
Sibyl Wilbur