I must needs ask you respectfully for space for an...


I must needs ask you respectfully for space for an additional short contribution. Unfortunately it is very usual, although it can hardly be called just, that when someone who is not an adherent of Christian Science wishes to show what it is, he uses quotations by authors who criticize this teaching, or else he gives quotations from Mrs. Eddy's writings which are garbled or in some way misrepresented. In a recent contribution to your paper, purporting to be an account of the teaching of Christian Science, a statement reads thus: "Existence is happiness, all else is only imagination." Nowhere in Mrs. Eddy's writings is such a statement to be found. The quotation is therefore the writer's misconception of Christian Science. On page 460 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy writes: "Sickness is neither imaginary nor unreal,— that is, to the frightened, false sense of the patient. Sickness is more than fancy; it is solid conviction. It is therefore to be dealt with through right apprehension of the truth of being." On the other hand, proceeding from and logically holding to the fact that there can be only one creator, God, Spirit, who is Love, Truth, and Life, and that therefore everything which is real lives through Him, the author states in the same work (p. 492), "Being is holiness, harmony, immortality." Although Christian Science is not what is usually understood to be "mind cure," its healing and saving works are accomplished through partaking of that Mind "which was also in Christ Jesus."

In conclusion, may I be allowed to give a short quotation from page 17 of "Rudimental Divine Science," recently translated into Swedish, in which Mrs. Eddy writes: "The ways of Christianity have not changed. Meekness, selflessness, and love are the paths of His testimony and the footsteps of His flock." In proportion as humanity is seriously striving to practice such teaching, strife and discord will certainly diminish and be exchanged for patience and obedience to the Golden Rule.

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