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/>Referring to a letter published in your issue of 3d inst.,...
Referring to a letter published in your issue of 3d inst., your correspondent makes mention of the church By-Laws. Christian Scientists are perfectly satisfied with their ByLaws. They are not only complete and effective, and all that is needed to carry on the work of the church and its numerous activities, but they have stood the test of public opinion and the courts of the land.
Mrs. Eddy, through her writings, will always be the Leader of the Christian Science movement. She wrote the church By-Laws and established its government, but her followers do not maintain that she is their Leader in any spiritualistic sense—notwithstanding statements to the contrary.
The Mother Church is not "antimedical." Christian Scientists have the highest appreciation of the work of the honest and consistent medical practitioner. Efforts to align the medical fraternity against legitimate Christian Science practice will not succeed, for the reason that the majority of medical practitioners are men and women of high standing who appreciate that one whose purpose is to practice in accord with and manifest fidelity to the fundamental teachings of his or her professon, will gain public approval. The Bible says, "No man can serve two masters;" and Mrs. Eddy is consistent when she says (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 40), "To mingle hygienic rules, drugs, and prayers in the same process" is to "serve 'other gods.'"
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June 1, 1929 issue
View Issue-
Preparation for Christian Science Lectures
Our Duty to Our Leader
On Looking Up
Scientific Continuing
Income and Outgo
A writer to your columns, in referring to the last illness...
Israel Pickens, Committee on Publication for the State of Alabama,
In your columns of August 10th appears an article reprinted...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Any endeavor on the part of the churches to reinstate...
Fred Yould, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
/>Referring to a letter published in your issue of 3d inst.,...
Arthur J. Chapman, Committee on Publication for the State of Louisiana,
Under the heading, "Religious or Scientific Bodies," a...
Thomas A. Wyles, Committee on Publication for South Australia,
Mind's Infinite Resources
Albert F. Gilmore
Consent and Dissent
Violet Ker Seymer
Duncan Sinclair
I should like to express my gratitude for the innumerable...
Paul Grunewald
It is over seven years since my first visit to a Christian Science...
Alberta Peters Moore
My mother had been interested in Christian Science for...
Edward Knox Cary
I want to express my sincere gratitude for many blessings...
Ethel Lovat Pook
About sixteen years ago I seemed to be in very bad health...
Zula Bell Patterson
I should like to tell of the healing I have received through...
Anna Elisabeth Visser
I thank God for what I have learned and am learning...
Florence Wilson with contributions from Daisy Bernard
The Quest
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Phillips Osgood, Charles M. Sheldon, Geoffrey Gordon, Gamaliel Bradford, William L. Stidger