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Over fifty years ago Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer...
Columbia Record
Over fifty years ago Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, wrote in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 102): "The looms of crime, hidden in the dark recesses of mortal thought, are every hour weaving webs more complicated and subtle. So secret are the present methods of animal magnetism that they ensnare the age into indolence, and produce the very apathy on the subject which the criminal desires." And again (ibid., p. 570), in words which prophesy an awakening, "The march of mind and of honest investigation will bring the hour when the people will chain, with fetters of some sort, the growing occultism of this period." Although she makes no secret of the tendency of mortal mind to destroy its own concepts, her method of cure for physical and mental ills caused by so-called aggressive malicious mental malpractice unfolds the allness of the one Mind and the nothingness of everything that is opposed to God. It is on the basis of its unreality that evil is destroyed.
Not content with knowing and proving that the carnal mind cannot produce evil results when it is understood that man is governed by God, Mrs. Eddy also refuses to admit that this so-called mind can possibly be a healing agency. On this point Christian Science differs radically from autosuggestion and psychonalysis in its method and results. Mental healing through suggestion is really mesmerism disguised as a technical term. The physical results may seem satisfactory, but the patient is not thereafter free. On the other hand, under Christian Science treatment the spirituality of the patient is increased, while the realization of God's government serves to free him from the belief that he can suffer from a broken physical law, so called, or through human interference. The carnal mind, capable of suggesting evil, claiming to produce sinister results and physical ease through mental suggestion, is not a reliable remedial agent. Only the action of the Christ, Truth, can give permanent healing. Jesus proved this great fact conclusively.
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April 27, 1929 issue
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Consciousness in Relation to Health and Usefulness
Divine Oneness
Right Persistence
The True Law
"The weapons of our warfare"
Love and Service
Glorifying God
A writer states that Christian Science "cuts right across...
Robert Ramsey, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland,
Over fifty years ago Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer...
Mrs. Annie I. Rembert, Committee on Publication for the State of South Carolina,
In the symposium on "How to Build a Successful Practice,"...
Orwell Bradley Towne, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
I would appreciate space to correct a wrong impression...
Arthur G. Lothgren, Committee on Publication for British Columbia,
In a recent issue of the Oklahoma News there was published...
Judge Herbert L. Standeven, Committee on Publication for the State of Oklahoma
In a sermon quoted in a recent issue of your paper, an...
W. Truman Green, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
Good Omnipresent
Albert F. Gilmore
Deliverance from Materiality
Duncan Sinclair
"All safe to land"
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Samuel W. Greene, Anna E. Vickery
Christian Science first came into my life when I was a...
Gertrude Springer
Christian Science has been my only physician for over...
Dorothy E. Harmon
"Divine Love always has met and always will meet every...
William E. Limric
I have been attending the Christian Science Sunday...
Hildegard Müller
Twenty-two years and a half ago I was a hopeless invalid
Elizabeth Crutcher
I write this testimony with the sincere desire that it may...
Mary Barrand with contributions from Herbert Barrand
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Hoover, Aristide Briand, Borah, Stanley Baldwin, H. E. Woolever, John Howard Melish