secret spring of love and compassion which Christ Jesus, the master Christian, manifested during his life-work, was based upon his scientific statement, "I and my Father are one.
its revelation of the truths of being, Christian Science begins with the fundamental proposition that God, divine Principle, is the origin or source of all that exists.
an age of oppression, when every strategy of the Philistines was brought to bear upon the rival army of the Israelites in order to cause their downfall, the victory which David, the shepherd boy, won over the Philistine army through his single-handed encounter with Goliath, as chronicled in the seventeenth chapter of I Samuel, stands out with unique design.
Robert Ramsey, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland,
A writer states that Christian Science "cuts right across the Word of God;" and in support of this assertion he advances several misstatements of its teaching.
Orwell Bradley Towne, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
In the symposium on "How to Build a Successful Practice," appearing in your recent issue, a doctor, giving a reason for the rapid growth of Christian Science, says it is "because they [its adherents] have begun to realize more and more all the time that they are able to overcome a great many of their ills by maintaining a proper psychological attitude towards any bodily ailments that they may have.
Arthur G. Lothgren, Committee on Publication for British Columbia,
I would appreciate space to correct a wrong impression given in the article, "Norman Peasant Discovers Method to Improve Crops," which appeared in your recent issue.
Judge Herbert L. Standeven, Committee on Publication for the State of Oklahoma
In a recent issue of the Oklahoma News there was published a letter from one of your readers in which he severely criticized Christian Science and made many statements not based upon facts.
W. Truman Green, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
In a sermon quoted in a recent issue of your paper, an evangelist infers that Christian Science is a competitive religion to the Christian religion, and intimates that Christian Scientists place Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, on an equality with Christ Jesus.
Paul wrote, "To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace," he indicated both the cause of all human misery and its cure.
To meet the need of Christian Science churches and societies in Dutch-speaking countries, the words of the two hundred and forty-one hymns in the Christian Science Hymnal have been translated into Dutch and published in a separate booklet for use with the regular English Hymnal.
Churches and Societies in the United States and in the Dominion of Canada which wish to give lectures during the first two months of the next lecture year, namely, July and August, are requested to inform the Board of Lectureship before June 1.
Now closer to the Christ divinely driven,More patience as the constant race is run,A sin destroyed, a cherished wrong forgiven—The way to heaven, harmony, begun!
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