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At God's Right Hand
The position at the right hand of authority as a symbol of preferment has long been accepted as an established custom. The monarch of old placed at the right hand of his throne one upon whom he desired to confer a signal honor. Likewise, in the observance of social amenities, the seat at the right hand of the host has commonly been reserved for the honored guest. And, by analogy, in legislative bodies throughout the world the dominant party, in token of its prerogative, occupies a position at the right hand of the presiding officer.
If this custom be traced back along the ages, it will be found to have been in vogue in the early days of Biblical history. The Psalmist saw the position on the right hand of divine authority to be the place both of honor and of protection. The one hundred and tenth psalm begins: "The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool." That is, the place of the Redeemer's glory is at the right hand of God. Christ Jesus used the expression with the same meaning when, in response to the insistent questioning of the high priest, "Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?" he replied, "I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven." Mark also records that when Jesus ascended above material sense he "sat on the right hand of God."
Reference to the right hand of God as the position of honor and power grew out of an anthropomorphic concept of God; and manifestly Christ Jesus was making concession to that common concept of Deity. He knew full well the nature of God; for had he not declared, "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth"? To him the right hand was the symbol, the metaphorical representation, of power and honor. In the light of Mrs. Eddy's revelation, we learn that to sit at the right hand of omnipotence is to hold one's thought in accord with the divine, to become conscious of the facts of being, and, when material belief is abandoned, to enter the eternal harmony of Spirit. Moreover, with all who would do God's will, attainment to this exalted state is the heart's earnest desire.
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February 2, 1929 issue
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"Semper paratus": Always Ready
Practitioner and Patient
"The substance of all devotion"
"Where is your faith?"
Day by Day
The Liberator
Last year, in London, there was published a book by...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
In an article entitled "Health Notes" in a recent issue...
W. Truman Green, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
In replying to a letter by your correspondent I should...
Mrs. Ann P. Hewitt, Committee on Publication for the North Island of New Zealand,
I would appreciate the courtesy of a brief space in your...
Orwell Bradley Towne, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
Recently, at a prohibition meeting held in Rifle, pamphlets...
Ralph G. Lindstrom, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
In your recent issue you reprinted from the Chester Diocesan Gazette...
Charles H. Parker, Committee on Publication for Cheshire, England,
Divine Science
Readers in Churches and Societies
The Christian Science Board of Directors
At God's Right Hand
Albert F. Gilmore
Cooperation a Privilege
Duncan Sinclair
Redemptive Idealism
Violet Ker Seymer
From girlhood's days I was a seeker after Truth
Louie M. Coade
Christian Science has been such a help to me, in so many...
Charles O. Blodgett
Becoming a little curious regarding Christian Science, I...
Grace M. Ackerson
I am thankful beyond words for our periodicals, these...
Amie Mae Holden
When Christian Science came into my life, nine years ago,...
Elizabeth I. Howe
I was an invalid when Christian Science found me, and...
E. Kate Howell
I feel that I must express my gratitude to God, and to...
Gaynard Spencer Lewis
After I took up the study of Christian Science, my whole...
Mary Nares Craig
Christian Science means everything to me
Clare R. Johnson with contributions from Leonard A. Johnson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from John Haynes Holmes, Frank B. Kellogg, Walter Van Kirk, Myron T. Herrick, Katsuji Debuchi, H. E. Woolever, Borah