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Christian Science is classed with new-thought in an unsigned...
Galena Republican
Christian Science is classed with new-thought in an unsigned article entitled "Mind Cure," which appeared in your esteemed paper of August 2. It is evident that the writer of the article does not understand Christian Science; and so it is not surprising that he believes Christian Science and new thought to be similar. I shall greatly appreciate it, therefore, if you will grant me space to point out the inaccuracy of this reference to Christian Science.
New-thought and all systems of so-called mind cure are based on the so-called human mind and adhere to the belief that one human mind, acting upon or controlling another human mind, can bring about at will either good or evil results in the human body and in human experience. However, it is plain to be seen that such a method of practice is very unreliable, and that the results obtained must be in the highest degree uncertain. Jesus defined such practice as a house divided against itself which shall not stand; and Paul, describing the carnal mind, says it "is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be." Christian Science, therefore, rejects the unenlightened human mind as a factor in its healing and regenerating work, and relies entirely upon the divine Mind, God, as the only true healing power; and it is this complete reliance on God which sharply distinguishes Christian Science practice from all other so-called mental means of healing.
Christian Science teaches that the carnal mind is the procuring cause of all discord and disease; and, as like produces like, it is self-evident that the power which causes disease cannot cure it. Therefore, freedom from the false beliefs which produce disease can be wrought only by some power other than the so-called human mind, and this power Christian Science declares to be God, the supreme, infinite Mind. It was his understanding of this Mind which enabled Jesus to do his mighty works; and, likewise, it is the understanding of this Mind which enables the Christian Scientist to heal the sick and sinning.
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November 2, 1929 issue
View Issue-
"What hast thou in the house?"
Meekness and Might
Realizing Freedom
Look Up!
True Philanthropy
"The Mary of to-day looks up"
There recently appeared in your paper a news item covering...
W. Truman Green, Committee on Publication for the State of Florida,
In a further letter which appeared in your issue of the 5th...
Charles H. Parker, Committee on Publication for Cheshire, England,
Christian Science is classed with new-thought in an unsigned...
John Murray Burriss, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
My attention has been called to a report in your columns...
Mrs. Ann P. Hewitt, Committee on Publication for the North Island of New Zealand,
"Be still, and know that I am God"
The Christian Science Board of Directors
Righteous Giving
Albert F. Gilmore
Spiritual Power
Duncan Sinclair
Effective Denunciation
Violet Ker Seymer
Because of a feeling of profound gratitude to God and...
Jacqueline Dalas Munier
At the time Christian Science was brought to my attention,...
Daniel A. Rexford
Christian Science was revealed to me at a time when I...
Amanda Rawlings Seger
Early in 1901 I was suffering from consumption, dyspepsia,...
Beulah Atkinson Farrar
In the year 1912, while I was suffering from a nervous...
Rosina L. Campbell
I first heard of Christian Science in India in 1914
Norah Blackmore with contributions from H. Stuart Blackmore
Christian Science came to my attention about six years...
Arthur Brockner
Signs of the Times
with contributions from H. R. L. Sheppard, Elias Jones, Frederick M. Eliot, O. P. Gifford, T. T. Carter