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Sacrifice, the Price of Freedom
Gratitude for the freedom gained through Christian Science awakens those who have been released from fetters of ignorance, fear, disease, and sin to learn more about its Christlike teachings and to devote their lives to the extension of its good works; in short, to be laborers in the Master's vineyard.
Christ Jesus said: "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it." Under the marginal heading, "Advancement by sacrifice," on page 459 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. Eddy says, "Paul and John had a clear apprehension that, as mortal man achieves no worldly honors except by sacrifice, so he must gain heavenly riches by forsaking all worldliness;" and she continues, "Judge not the future advancement of Christian Science by the steps already taken, lest you yourself be condemned for failing to take the first step." The growth and prosperity of the Christian Science movement depend upon the consecrated and self-sacrificing efforts of its followers. They depend upon the individual's progress out of error, the consistent and persistent overcoming of mortal beliefs and materiality in all its phases. Thus each faithful student of Christian Science aids in forwarding the salvation of mankind.
The spiritual, scientific, and practical meaning of sacrifice is exemplified in purified thinking, in compassionate, kindly actions, in liberal and unselfish service to God and to all mankind. The love of personal ease, the belief of pleasure and pain in matter, the pride of intellectual attainments and the mesmerism of worldly pursuits are deceptive appeals, attracting thought for a season, perhaps, but leading one into a maze of error and ultimately requiring the retracing of every false step, so retarding spiritual activity and steady progress. Those who regard themselves as students of Christian Science need to watch lest they be satisfied with mere physical healing, so called, or indeed satisfied at any period of their growth in the understanding of this Science. There must be not only a willingness, but a deep resolve, to do much for the Cause of Christian Science; there must be willingness to work and labor unselfishly for all of its activities and its branches of service. Error would put forth many subtle arguments to distract and mislead thought. Self-depreciation, inability or lack of fitness to serve are some of so-called mortal mind's agents; but on the heart yearning to give, yearning to follow the Master's example of sacrifice, no such suggestions will have any effect. Neither timidity nor reluctance to take the first step toward church membership and its consequent activities should be admitted into the thought of the earnest student, for these privileges are the means of helping mankind which our beloved Leader has provided for all sincere workers in the Field of Christian Science.
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November 23, 1929 issue
View Issue-
Thanksgiving Proclamation
Herbert Hoover
"In every thing give thanks"
The Spiritual Sanctuary
Sacrifice, the Price of Freedom
Our Daily Rate
On Being Impersonal
Little Things
Albert F. Gilmore
Lowliness and Peace
Violet Ker Seymer
Giving Thanks to God
Duncan Sinclair
To the Field
with contributions from Edward A. Merritt, William R. Rathvon, Annie M. Knott, George Wendell Adams, Charles E. Heitman, The Christian Science Board of Directors
Thirteen years ago I was wretched over the condition of a...
Fae S. Humbarger with contributions from Fanchon S. Carter
I am sincerely grateful that I gained some knowledge of...
Florence Bruce
I became interested in Christian Science in 1917...
John Wesley Ashley
When my youngest child was eight months old she fell...
Ella M. Schwarz
When Christian Science was introduced to me, I had for...
Sarah Hannah Sellers
In 1901 Christian Science was presented to me by my...
Lillian Greer Bush
I wish to acknowledge what Christian Science has done...
Dorothea Anna Bullerman
I was healed of pneumonia and hemorrhage of the lungs...
Thomas Robinson
There is no quality which is more of a life preserver to the...
Halford E. Luccock,
In our prayers of thanksgiving this week let us thank God...
Rev. Eugene R. Shippen, D.D.,