this season of the year, when the harvest has been gathered in, the thoughts of our forefathers turned toward God with thanksgiving for the blessings of plenty and provision against the needs of winter.
they established Thanksgiving Day, the Pilgrim Fathers, thankful to God for having brought them through what seemed a most perilous year, expressed their gratitude for the harvest of corn, as well as for the divine presence which they knew was with them.
for the freedom gained through Christian Science awakens those who have been released from fetters of ignorance, fear, disease, and sin to learn more about its Christlike teachings and to devote their lives to the extension of its good works; in short, to be laborers in the Master's vineyard.
A young
student of Christian Science who expressed a desire to do a certain work, was lovingly reminded that her first need was to gain a working knowledge of Christian Science.
, it is a little thing to thank TheeFor each good gift that cometh from above,Yet, do we not at times receive, unmindful,The wondrous blessings of Thy perfect love?
A sermon on Christian Science, as reported in your issue of April 22, gives a very wrong impression of Christian Science which I would appreciate the privilege of correcting.
Recently two correspondents, one writing in your issue of June 8 and the other on June 13, inaccurately and inadequately made use of a statement from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
In a recent issue of the News the minister of your local Christian church took occasion to refer to Christian Science in a sermon he delivered, making statements which, if not corrected, might leave a false impression with your readers.
Eight men at the "Honor Farm," which is operated in connection with the penitentiary, and fifteen men at the main institution are seriously studying the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
a masterly exhortation to righteousness, Paul calls upon the Christians at Ephesus, in recognition of God's bestowals, to speak to themselves "in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,.
with contributions from Edward A. Merritt, William R. Rathvon, Annie M. Knott, George Wendell Adams, Charles E. Heitman, The Christian Science Board of Directors
October 25, 1929 Churches of Christ, Scientist, of Greater New York
The recent meeting of churches of greater New York to bring about cooperation in lifting the debt of local churches still encumbered may naturally cause inquiries from other localities as to the best means of procedure to accomplish desired results.
With deep gratitude for the healing which Christian Science has brought into our home, after materia medica had failed, I am sending this testimony so that others may be encouraged when the way seems dark.
In 1901 Christian Science was presented to me by my sister, who gave me a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy and told me that if ever I were in great need, this little book would show me the way to solve my problem.
I was healed of pneumonia and hemorrhage of the lungs in five weeks with the help of a loving Christian Science practitioner, and at the end of eight weeks was back at work.
Now would we thank Thee, Father, for this day,Wherein to overcome, to watch and pray;Untiring in our efforts to effaceEarth's concepts false, vain theories displace,With endless patience weighing every thought,Except of Thee, rejecting each as naughtUntil, with mortal self so sacrificed,We gain a clearer vision of the Christ.
Orders for Mrs Eddy's Works should be addressed to and remittances therefor made payable to Harry I Hunt, Publishers' Agent, 107 Falmouth Street, Back Bay Station, Boston, Massachusetts.
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with contributions from Edward A. Merritt, William R. Rathvon, Annie M. Knott, George Wendell Adams, Charles E. Heitman, The Christian Science Board of Directors