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A criticism of two theological books in your last issue...
Cambridge Review
A criticism of two theological books in your last issue is of particular interest to students of Christian Science, for the writer makes it clear that the point of divergence which separates his view of Christianity from the teaching of Christian Science is precisely the point which prevents him from accepting the full historicity of the gospel narratives. This divergence is a differing attitude towards matter. Accepting "the knowledge won through the study of physics, chemistry, and medicine" as no less a divine gift than the "spirit of Jesus," he feels that certain acts attributed to our Lord, involving the control of external nature, would imply "crude views of matter," and he therefore regards them as legendary.
The writer is surely right in assuming that these incidents point to a view of matter at variance with what has been commonly accepted. But does any student of physics to-day claim to have arrived at a complete and satisfying explanation of the nature and origin of matter? We have all had to relinquish our old beliefs in matter as solid substance, and have been taught the inaccuracy of our material senses.
Christian Science agrees with some other systems in regarding matter as a mental phenomenon. It stands alone in maintaining that this mental phenomenon is itself an erroneous conception, which may be corrected by the keener vision of a sense that is wholly spiritual, and ultimately resolved into the harmonious and immortal expression of one perfect and infinite Mind. To this view the so-called miracles of our Lord, his control over external nature, his resurrection, and his disappearance from human sight in the ascension, are not infractions of law, but demonstrations of a law not understood by others. What appears to the critic as "the erroneous element" in Christian Science is the element which unites it with the Christianity of the New Testament, and is the essential basis of its vitality and practical value.
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October 26, 1929 issue
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Treasure in Heaven
"Under the shadow of the Almighty"
"Thou shalt not kill"
"Waters of Israel"
Letting Go
"Now are we the sons of God"
The printing of this letter is requested because of...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
To the individual whose religion is to him something...
Ralph B. Textor, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
A criticism of two theological books in your last issue...
Mrs. Agnata F. Butler, Committee on Publication for Cambridgeshire, England,
In a recent issue you reported that an evangelist in a...
Francis Lyster Jandron, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
The Seamless Dress
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors, James A. Neal, Edward A. Merritt, Wm. R. Rathvon, Annie M. Knott, George Wendell Adams
Christian Science Treatment not Suggestion
Albert F. Gilmore
A Healing Revolution
Violet Ker Seymer
Our Refuge
Duncan Sinclair
I am happy to express my gratitude for a healing which...
Margaret E. Merritt
In Romans we read that "all things work together for...
Heinrich E. Waltenspul
Over fourteen years ago an uncle was healed of appendicitis,...
Marie L. Winfree
I am very grateful to Christian Science and its teachings
Alice M. M. Atkinson
A noted writer once said, "Gratitude is the fairest blossom...
Blanche Nicewanger with contributions from Henry D. Nicewanger
Before my marriage I received a hospital training that...
Miriam Gottlieb
Christian Science came into my life when I was a child
Ruth McCullough
Christian Science was presented to me about twelve years...
Clara A. Kammerer
I did not come into Christian Science for physical healing,...
Alice C. Turnbull
In the autumn of 1925 fear of man-made laws led me...
Glynard A. Burnside
Christian Science came to me in a time of great mental...
Ella M. Hinrichs
The Gospel of Love
Signs of the Times
with contributions from John L. Hulshof, Floyd W. Tomkins, W. W. Comfort