I am indeed very grateful that I heard of Christian Science

I am indeed very grateful that I heard of Christian Science. In 1904 I was under a doctor's care, suffering from internal tumors and preparing for an operation, when I met a friend, a Scientist, who asked me to try Christian Science and gave me a copy of the Christian Science Sentinel. With the loving help of my friend I started to study Christian Science and was perfectly healed in a short time. Ever since then, over twenty years ago, Christian Science has been my only physician. I have had many healings and very many blessings during that time through the teachings of Christian Science.

I am most grateful for the Lesson-Sermon, which gives food for thought and is my daily help; also for all the Christian Science literature. I am indeed grateful to God; to Christ Jesus, the Way-shower; and to Mrs. Eddy, who has made this beautiful truth so plain for all.—(Mrs.) ANNIE F. TUDGE, Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire, England.

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Testimony of Healing
About a year ago my little daughter was taken ill with...
October 22, 1927

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