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The no doubt well-meant criticism, appearing in your...
The no doubt well-meant criticism, appearing in your recent issue, of a statement made by a Christian Science lecturer in a recent lecture on Christian Science, is apparently based on some misunderstanding, and the suggestive inquiry, "Whither are we drifting?" need not cause any particular concern. If we live up to our highest sense of right, divine Love will surely guide us aright. The lecturer, who is of Jewish extraction, has the privilege of a very complete religious training, and is particularly well versed in Old Testament Scripture. I do not know of any one with a higher regard for the true import of Moses' writings. Furthermore, no authorized statement regarding Christian Science will be found to contradict the spiritual truths of the Bible, on the teachings of which Christian Science has its foundation. A literal translation of words and phrases relating to God is sometimes impossible, and especially so when not in strict accord with such definite statements as those made by Christ Jesus: "God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth," or John's statement, "God is love." The acceptance of a merely literal and material translation of such words as hand, back, face, is perhaps difficult, if not impossible, as such references are evidently symbolic of God's completeness, omnipresence, and omnipotence. Otherwise, what are we to do with such statements as, for instance, in Psalms, "Under his wings shalt thou trust," and, "He shall cover thee with his feathers"? "Wings" and "feathers," as used here, are scarcely possible of literal translation, but when spiritually interpreted the illustration is grand and beautiful, symbolizing the loving care and protection of an infinite God, who is everywhere present. We heartily unite in the expressed hope of our critic that all may share the blessings awaiting "the pure in heart: for they shall see God." And a correct knowledge or understanding of this ever present, only true God and His Christ is declared by Jesus to be "life eternal."
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December 11, 1926 issue
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Two Things Essential
"God is All-in-all"
Confidence-inspiring Principle
Taught of God
Christian Science Healing
Divine Love is Our Refuge
We note in your recent issue a reprint from the Paris Mercury...
Arthur P. De Camp, Committee on Publication for the State of Missouri,
The no doubt well-meant criticism, appearing in your...
Arthur E. Blainey, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
Good will is too often thought of as a mere human quality,...
From an article by Ralph G. Lindstrom, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
Will you kindly allow me space to correct a misleading...
Miss Florence Louise Carrington, Committee on Publication for Barbados, British West Indies,
In an article which appeared in your recent issue you say,...
William C. Brookes, Committee on Publication for Midlothian, Scotland,
In an editorial in a recent issue of your paper, under...
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
In any discussion of Coue and his system of healing,...
Paul Gassner, Committee on Publication for Germany,
Our attention has been called to an article in a recent...
Everett P. Clark, Committee on Publication for the State of Washington,
Divine Love
The City of God
Albert F. Gilmore
Ella W. Hoag
No Copartnership Between Truth and Error
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Evatt L. P. Still, Bessie Brown, Ralph W. Everett, Edgar G. Harris, Frances S. Williams, Louis W. Schaaff
During a recent hurricane my husband and I felt that we...
Mabel Reed Hyzer
To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big...
Edith B. Marrie
When I first took up the study of Christian Science, I...
Rupert V. D. Guthrie
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, as...
Angeline Myra Cross
When, through the light of Christian Science, I arrived at...
Gunhild Wallberg
On page 419 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"...
Grace Carter
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Robert S. Coupland, W. Russell