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My family had passed and were passing through many...
My family had passed and were passing through many deep waters. Loss of health, happiness, money, and an overwhelming sense of self-depreciation, helped to comprise the load which they were bravely but seemingly in vain struggling against. The joy, happiness, and above all else the hope which were revealed to my mother at the first Christian Science service she attended are indescribable in words. With newborn spirit she brought to those at home the message of good tidings; and at last the bow of great promise, God's ever present love and care for His children, broke through the overhanging clouds and revealed to them their rightful place and inheritance in His kingdom.
Being about eight years old at this time, I had the great privilege of attending the Christian Science Sunday School and of being educated as a Christian Scientist. Some might infer that my experience thereafter would be one of perfect harmony and health; but this was not so. Many were the problems to be met and mastered, not always in the way I had planned, but always in the way which best fitted my growth.
About a year and a half ago I experienced a physical healing which proved a great blessing to me. A growth appeared on the sole of my foot. For several weeks I tried to realize the truth about the perfection of God's child, but the condition grew worse instead of better. It was necessary for me to be upon my feet most of the day, and this not only was very painful but also brought with it a sense of irritation that my duties were not being performed so quickly as they might be. I then decided to ask the help of a Christian Science practitioner. Treatment was begun, and in a very short time all sense of pain and inflammation disappeared, and one evening the growth fell out. In a week's time no trace of the condition could be seen.
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July 12, 1924 issue
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Where and How Are We Thinking?
"Clad in the panoply of Love"
Abram and Lot
Truth Is the One Fact
A New Sense of Love
Most of those who turn to Christian Science do so to be...
Count Sigge Cronstedt, Committee on Publication for Sweden,
A correspondent in your issue of January 29 considers...
Miss Evelyn L. Webb, Committee on Publication for County Antrim, Ireland,
A critic has asked if Christian Science could "show one...
Charles W. Hale, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
In recent issues of the Messenger were printed some...
Brigman C. Odom, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
Please permit me to say to your readers that Mrs. Eddy...
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
Thousands of men and women, in all parts of the world...
Mrs. Elsie Ashwell, Committee on Publication for Warwickshire, England,
It is the desire and prayer of all Christian Scientists, as...
Harry K. Filler, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
A Song of Praise
The Joy of Obedience
Albert F. Gilmore
Communion with God
Ella W. Hoag
"The basis of thought and demonstration"
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Frederick P. Schenck, Mabel Hewitt, Mme Jeanne Panchaud, Aileen Goldstein, Edith M. Shank, Walter H. Pugh, George H. Kitendaugh
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Arthur C. F. Blohm with contributions from Helen F. Blohm
In Deuteronomy we read, "The eternal God is thy...
Emma J. Walker
"Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be...
Margarette Henrileana Rhule
In 1910 I went for a summer holiday to a little village...
Arthur G. Stevenson
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Johannette Weber
My family had passed and were passing through many...
Beatrice Katz
One morning when I awoke my face was inflamed and...
Maybell Strock
Christian Science has been the greatest blessing in my...
Catherine Hulme
It is with sincere gratitude to God and Christian Science...
Ella S. Egeler
I am offering this testimony to show in a measure my...
Cora H. Schnebly
Signs of the Times
with contributions from George W. Truett, W. P. Paterson