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I was attending a surgery, taking electrical treatment for...
I was attending a surgery, taking electrical treatment for the spine, when the doctor in charge asked me if I had ever heard of Christian Science. I said, "Oh, yes;" but I did not really know anything of it, and did not feel at all inclined to try it. Later he had to leave town, and I was left much better than I had been for some years. I had missed his treatment only a month, however, when seemingly my spine grew worse than ever. I was giving up all hope of ever getting strong again, and thought then that I must indeed be going to fulfill the verdict of other doctors, of whom I had had many. The last one who had examined my spine had told me I would never be able to work, and if I tried would probably end by being a hopeless cripple. I had been in bed as long as eight months at a time, and for five years I hardly knew a day free from pain. After the last treatment, I just gave up and wished I could die; but was soon to know differently.
I was sitting alone one morning and trying to get into a comfortable position, but could not, when the "still small voice" spoke to me. These words came to me very clearly: "Go out and seek a Christian Scientist." Now I did not know where to go, but I felt I must obey; and I was finally led to get into a tram car and ask a lady who sat opposite me if she knew of any Christian Scientists. She answered: "Yes, I am going to church now. Will you come with me?" I just told her I was sure that God had sent me there. We reached the church, and then "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy was placed in my hands. I took it home and read a portion of it, and right from the beginning seemed to know I was reading something true. I went again to the church, and a gentleman spoke to me, telling me that there was no pain. I said, "You say there is no pain; why, I am in pain now;" so he just took up Science and Health and gave me the Lord's Prayer with its spiritual interpretation (pp. 16, 17) to read. I did so, and something of its meaning dawned on me, and I went home rejoicing. I was healed. Oh, what unspeakable joy was mine! I had always loved God; but now I know Him, and love Him still more. God is Love, and Love heals.
Another beautiful healing came, but it seemed slow. I had a lump on my wrist, and people used to say, "Well, that lump does not go;" but I stood firm, and it finally disappeared. How beautiful and protecting is divine Love! I thank God for the great blessing and unfold joy which are mine, as I so often can prove the omnipotence of divine Love. Little problems are met and overcome every day that passes, and what seem the bigger problems, too, are solved when the teaching of Christian Science is carefully and faithfully applied.
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June 21, 1924 issue
View Issue-
Guarding Against Separation
Our Testimony Meetings
Some Thoughts on Vacation
Know God
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God"
Man the Reflection of God
The Joy of Achievement
The Key to Progress
Kindly grant me space in your publication to correct...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois
One glaring misstatement of the critic seems really inexcusable
William Charles Brookes, Committee on Publication for Midlothian, Scotland,
It is both surprising and regrettable that a minister of...
Charles E. Heitman, Committee on Publication for the State of new York,
In the issue of your paper of January 14 a pastor comments...
Fred B. Kerrick, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
Speaking of the happy, prudent man, the Psalmist says,...
Brigman C. Odom, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
On page 107 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
W. K. Primrose, Assistant Committee on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
"Rejoice in the Lord alway"
Christian Ministry
Albert F. Gilmore
Duncan Sinclair
Right Obedience
Ella W. Hoag
Communication from the Board of Lectureship
The Christian Science Board of Lectureship
The Lectures
with contributions from Rachel Goss Deyo, Bertha Conyngham, Carrie M. Henry, Lydia D. Whitaker, Epha N. Hamilton, Arthur Ernest Blainey, Helen Parcels Voigt
I am glad to testify to the power of Christian Science in...
Agnes G. Wiswall with contributions from Nelson W. Wiswall
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Jessie H. Arrington with contributions from Raynor Hobbs
A little over six years ago I was, to sense, paralyzed
Kathryn L. Montgomery
I had suffered from stomach and bowel trouble for over...
Henry J. Hanson
The first time I ever really heard Christian Science presented...
E. Viola Henderson
With a heart filled with gratitude I wish to testify to...
Friedrich Sprandel with contributions from Johanna Sprandel
I have been in the Christian Science Sunday School...
Riccarda Forrest
Before coming into Christian Science, twelve years ago,...
Sallie F. Kimbrough
In the summer of 1908, I turned to Christian Science to...
Eleanor R. Huntington
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Worth M. Tippy, James Douglas, Edwin T. Brewster