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Christian Ministry
By doctrine and example Christ Jesus taught that blessedness accompanies the joy of true service. In the Sermon on the Mount he gave to the world for all time its guide to right living; in that touching incident when the Master performed the lowly service of washing the feet of the disciples, he set an example that will never lose its gentle lesson of blessedness in humble and gracious service.
Through the ages before and since the beginning of the Christian era, those personages who have best served mankind, unselfishly and with high emprise, have won the greatest measure of respect and reverence. Those who have demonstrated the greatest degree of self-renunciation in true service have rightly been accorded the highest places in the grateful hearts of humanity. The self-immolation of Moses, the humility of Job, the spiritual joy of David, the dignified solemnity of Jeremiah, the splendid assurance of Christ Jesus, all these qualities were manifested in unselfish service for the people of their own day—each in his own way, but each tasting the joy of true ministry. Likewise, in our own age, the example of Mary Baker Eddy will continue while time shall endure, as one who gave herself whole-heartedly and without reserve to the promotion of the welfare of humanity. Having found the remedy for the ills which seem universally to beset mankind, she labored unceasingly to provide the means whereby her message of redemption could be carried to the receptive everywhere. She found her holiest joy in true Christian service.
The students of Christian Science invariably are deeply impressed with the sacred responsibility which our Leader attached to the name of Christian Scientist. She held the service implied in the name to be true Christian service, with all the duties and responsibilities which that term implies. Moreover, in many particulars, she saw in the service of the Christian Science practitioner the responsibility of the conscientious physician combined with the sacred ministry of the clergyman. How could it be otherwise? Should not one who holds himself before the public as ready and willing to minister by spiritual means to the needs of those seeking relief from physical ailments, or redemption from sinful living, be prepared and ready to assume the responsibility which attaches to such holy service? Always to be ready with the healing word; always to be ready to sacrifice personal pleasure and plans, if occasion may seem to require it; always to be prepared by night as by day to answer the call of the needy; always to give of one's highest understanding, not alone what he may at the moment possess, but of the highest he may be able to attain under the stimulus of humanity's urgent need; always to maintain the exalted assurance of the omnipotence and availability of infinite good,—these are somewhat of the requirements which characterize true Christian ministry.
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June 21, 1924 issue
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Guarding Against Separation
Our Testimony Meetings
Some Thoughts on Vacation
Know God
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God"
Man the Reflection of God
The Joy of Achievement
The Key to Progress
Kindly grant me space in your publication to correct...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois
One glaring misstatement of the critic seems really inexcusable
William Charles Brookes, Committee on Publication for Midlothian, Scotland,
It is both surprising and regrettable that a minister of...
Charles E. Heitman, Committee on Publication for the State of new York,
In the issue of your paper of January 14 a pastor comments...
Fred B. Kerrick, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
Speaking of the happy, prudent man, the Psalmist says,...
Brigman C. Odom, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
On page 107 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
W. K. Primrose, Assistant Committee on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
"Rejoice in the Lord alway"
Christian Ministry
Albert F. Gilmore
Duncan Sinclair
Right Obedience
Ella W. Hoag
Communication from the Board of Lectureship
The Christian Science Board of Lectureship
The Lectures
with contributions from Rachel Goss Deyo, Bertha Conyngham, Carrie M. Henry, Lydia D. Whitaker, Epha N. Hamilton, Arthur Ernest Blainey, Helen Parcels Voigt
I am glad to testify to the power of Christian Science in...
Agnes G. Wiswall with contributions from Nelson W. Wiswall
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Jessie H. Arrington with contributions from Raynor Hobbs
A little over six years ago I was, to sense, paralyzed
Kathryn L. Montgomery
I had suffered from stomach and bowel trouble for over...
Henry J. Hanson
The first time I ever really heard Christian Science presented...
E. Viola Henderson
With a heart filled with gratitude I wish to testify to...
Friedrich Sprandel with contributions from Johanna Sprandel
I have been in the Christian Science Sunday School...
Riccarda Forrest
Before coming into Christian Science, twelve years ago,...
Sallie F. Kimbrough
In the summer of 1908, I turned to Christian Science to...
Eleanor R. Huntington
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Worth M. Tippy, James Douglas, Edwin T. Brewster