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Right Resistance
It appears to take some time for men to learn the difference between right and wrong resistance, especially in the overcoming of evil. While those who stand for righteousness generally agree that all which is good and true should never be resisted, but obeyed and supported, when it comes to dealing with evil there seems much diversity of opinion as to the proper manner in which to do this effectually. Some argue for the universal and positive resistance of all that is wrong; while others insist that resistance is rarely, if ever, the correct method to be used in the conquering of anything. Indeed, this divergence of thought has been the ground on which many Christians have waged a more or less relentless warfare.
Now Christian Science stands unequivocally for the resistance of all evil. From beginning to end it teaches that evil of every name and nature is to be resisted, rejected, renounced, denied. In "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 114), in speaking of the duty of Christian Scientists in this regard, Mrs. Eddy says, "They must always have on armor, and resist the foe within and without." Earnest students of Christian Science are all quite aware that this command of their Leader can be obeyed only as they cling so steadfastly to good that evil will be recognized as belief instead of person. So long as one identifies evil with persons it will appear to have a foundation, and the task of resisting and overcoming it will seem almost, if not quite, impossible.
Because nations and individuals have fought evil for centuries on a personal basis, they have found it apparently increasing in its claims to entity and power. When, however, Christian Science explains the way to divorce evil from persons by showing it to be only false belief,—the outrageous claim to a presence and power apart from God, who is infinite good,—right resistance immediately becomes possible. The instant one begins to regard evil thus, he sees that the place for resistance is in his own thinking. There is where every one must refuse to accept any belief in that which does not belong to God, divine Mind. There the foe both from within and without must be met and overcome with the truth of being. The temptations to admit, acknowledge, believe in, or express anything which is unlike good must there be resisted until they are proved unreal.
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May 3, 1924 issue
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Welfare of Children
The Gift of Repentance
The Motherhood of God
The Good Gift of Opportunity
Simplicity of Speech
Physical Sense Testimony False
Will you allow me space to make a few explanations...
Miss Florence B. Russell, Committee on Publication for Hampshire, England,
In an article appearing in your paper of February 12...
Augustus Long, Committee on Publication for the State of Nevada,
A critic would evidently have us believe that the healing...
Charles E. Heitman, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
The phenomenal success of Christian Science and the...
Joseph Axtell, Committee on Publication for the County of Somerset, England,
Christian Science, or the Science of Christianity, is the...
S. Britton R. Foster, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Charles H. Glidden, Katherine S. A. Junghanns, Inez Koch
"God ... no respecter of persons"
Albert F. Gilmore
Right Resistance
Ella W. Hoag
"Come unto me, ... and I will give you rest"
Duncan Sinclair
Nettle R. Shuler
It is thirteen years since Christian Science found me in...
Arthur Jocelyn
Christian Science has been truly a great blessing in my...
Arnold I. Rumsey
I want to express my deep gratitude that I have had...
Patricia G. Myers
I am grateful for the opportunity of expressing my...
T. Lavicie Drinkard
Since I have been studying Christian Science every phase...
Maude Tompkins Mathay
I consider it my duty to express my deepest gratitude for...
Julie Luise Fischer with contributions from Christian Fischer
The joy and companionship I find in the study of the...
Grace H. Ames
The statement, "Old things are passed away; behold, all...
Violet Webster Dunham
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Josephine C with contributions from M. Simon
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Harwell G. Davis, A. L. Murray, P. A. Gilmore, R. N. Kremer, L. E. Tranter