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"God ... no respecter of persons"
Peter's experience in learning the great lesson of tolerance toward persons of other races, as related in the book of Acts, is a valuable one for all who would exemplify true Christian character. Taught by a vision that he should call no man common or unclean, he was thereby prepared to answer the summons of the Roman centurion and administer to him after the manner of the teachings which the impetuous disciple himself had heard from the Master's lips: "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." And in proof of his words it is related that while Peter yet spake, "the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word," upon the Gentiles no less than upon the Jews who were Peter's companions. Here was proof, indeed, that salvation through the teachings of Christ Jesus was for all mankind, without respect of race or personality.
Several incidents in the ministry of Christ Jesus fully corroborate this experience. A notable example is the case of the Canaanite woman, a Syrophenician, who, having heard of the Master's marvelous success in spiritual healing, came to beseech him to restore her daughter, a so-called maniac. The context indicates that he put the woman to rather a severe test, perhaps to determine her sincerity; but so firm was her faith that he graciously granted her request and healed her daughter, so that when she returned to her home, "she found the devil gone out, and her daughter laid upon the bed." Here, again, was proof that, indeed, the redemptive Christ is available to destroy false beliefs without regard to race or personality, wherever thought is receptive and correct understanding is had of God's perfect healing power. How pertinent also are Paul's words to the Christians of Corinth: "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit"!
Of the universal character of Christ's message Mrs. Eddy concisely states in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 233), "To reveal this truth was our Master's mission to all mankind, including the hearts which rejected him." Notwithstanding the definiteness of the gospel message, there have existed during the centuries of the Christian era, as before, definite divisions of humanity into classes, the lines of cleavage being determined upon various conditions,—wealth, circumstance of birth, color, education,—all artificial, be it said, and none pertinent to or inherent in the true man, the man whom God created.
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May 3, 1924 issue
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Welfare of Children
The Gift of Repentance
The Motherhood of God
The Good Gift of Opportunity
Simplicity of Speech
Physical Sense Testimony False
Will you allow me space to make a few explanations...
Miss Florence B. Russell, Committee on Publication for Hampshire, England,
In an article appearing in your paper of February 12...
Augustus Long, Committee on Publication for the State of Nevada,
A critic would evidently have us believe that the healing...
Charles E. Heitman, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
The phenomenal success of Christian Science and the...
Joseph Axtell, Committee on Publication for the County of Somerset, England,
Christian Science, or the Science of Christianity, is the...
S. Britton R. Foster, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Charles H. Glidden, Katherine S. A. Junghanns, Inez Koch
"God ... no respecter of persons"
Albert F. Gilmore
Right Resistance
Ella W. Hoag
"Come unto me, ... and I will give you rest"
Duncan Sinclair
Nettle R. Shuler
It is thirteen years since Christian Science found me in...
Arthur Jocelyn
Christian Science has been truly a great blessing in my...
Arnold I. Rumsey
I want to express my deep gratitude that I have had...
Patricia G. Myers
I am grateful for the opportunity of expressing my...
T. Lavicie Drinkard
Since I have been studying Christian Science every phase...
Maude Tompkins Mathay
I consider it my duty to express my deepest gratitude for...
Julie Luise Fischer with contributions from Christian Fischer
The joy and companionship I find in the study of the...
Grace H. Ames
The statement, "Old things are passed away; behold, all...
Violet Webster Dunham
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Josephine C with contributions from M. Simon
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Harwell G. Davis, A. L. Murray, P. A. Gilmore, R. N. Kremer, L. E. Tranter