the student of Christian Science fails to discern the true import of Jesus' words, "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for their's is the kingdom of heaven," he may become an unwise helper, having "a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
there be a better definition of compassion than that given in the first two verses of the sixth chapter of Galatians: "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
Permit me to thank you for your editorial of recent date, which includes several helpful points, and which also very generously accords Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, full credit for making the healing of physical disease incidental to the teaching and living of Christian Science.
Miss Marie C. Hartman, Committee on Publication for Holland,
In your paper of recent date I read in the article "A Serious Danger" the following words: "Even convinced adherents of psychic healing or of the so-called Christian and mental science will not dare to maintain that mankind in general is able to make itself immune from smallpox through spiritual power only.
, while reading in the book of Luke,I came upon the story where 't is toldHow Jesus, entering into Simon's house,Found there a woman sick with fever sore;How he stood over her, rebuking it,So that she thereupon did straightway riseAnd—oh, assuredly with eager love—She ministered to them.
A common
tendency of mortals is to postpone the experience of good to some future time, while they seem ever ready to accept evil as a present reality.
So sang a well-known poet of the angel message which was heard on that Christmas eve so long ago; thus did she emphasize one keynote of the angels' refrain!
The attention of clerks and committees of branch churches in the United States, having in charge arrangements for lectures, is called to the necessity of having the information research the Editorial Department at least four weeks before the date of the lecture, in order to insure publication in the Sentinel.
It is with a deep sense of gratitude to God for the many blessings that have come to me and mine through Christian Science that I am writing this testimony.
Impelled by gratitude and a sense of duty to my suffering fellow-men I wish to testify to the wonderful healing, through Christian Science, from the results of an accident which occurred in 1921.
Christian Science has showered many rich blessings upon me during the past twelve years, and it is a great joy to testify to its healing and regenerative power.
Articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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