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Idealism Made Practical
It has been said that much of the so-called thinking that is indulged in by mankind is nothing but a shifting of prejudices. It may also be said that much so-called human learning is nothing but the exchange of one erroneous belief for another. There is no true thinking except that which is based upon Truth. Misinformation leads to misunderstanding, and forms a nucleus for discord. All inharmony is the result of accepting false knowledge as true; and every human footstep based upon such acceptance is a step toward a result which no individual desires or needs to have.
This is true in everyday, practical affairs. The consciousness that is filled with unwholesome reports is a poor channel for the reflection of health, happiness, and success. This fact was recognized many years ago by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, who clearly saw that the world was in dire need of the protection that could come only from a higher standard of journalism. Through her inspired discernment she perceived the way to bring this about.
To undertake the uplifting of the daily press, with the consequent revolutionary changes in humanity's thinking, would have baffled any one depending upon mere human effort; and it was because Mrs. Eddy knew so well how to rely upon divine Love that she was led to adopt the only practical course, and that at the right time. It is needless to point out the merely human methods which a less wise Leader might have employed. It is enough to say that when Mrs. Eddy decided that The Christian Science Monitor be published by her church, she brought to the world a new and higher concept of a newspaper, through a publication that is radically unlike any other in the world, and therefore is not comparable with any other.
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October 25, 1924 issue
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Idealism Made Practical
God the Rewarder
Working or Brooding, Which?
The Grateful Heart
"Teach us to pray"
"O king, live for ever"
My Prayer
Christian Science is not derived from psychology, nor...
Miss Kate E. Andreae, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
A writer in a recent issue of your paper quotes from...
James M. Stevens, Committee on Publication for Minnesota,
In a recent issue of your paper appears an account of the...
Arthur J. DeCamp, Committee on Publication for the State of Missouri,
Christian Science, in harmony with the Scriptures,...
George A. Magney, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
It is a well-known fact that Christian Science is a spiritual...
Charles W. Hale, Committee on Publication for the State of Indiana,
Christian Science is the name given by Mary Baker Eddy,...
Douglas L. Edmonds, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
An evangelist in a public address recently said that Christian Science...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
The writer of an article which appeared recently included...
William Capell, Committee on Publication for the State of Connecticut,
No adherent of the Christian Science religion could consistently...
Charles E. Heitman, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
"From death unto life"
Albert F. Gilmore
"We cannot serve two masters"
Duncan Sinclair
Impartial Love
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Willardie Blonquist Ketchum, William A. Morrison, Alma M. White, James Potter Brown, Olive G. Austin
The heart alone can feel what I feebly attempt to write of,...
Edward T. Murphy
When Christian Science found me a broken-hearted...
Luise Wilhelmine O'Connor
I am very glad to tell what Christian Science has done...
Emilio Velasco
In the infant steps in the journey Spiritward, the beginner...
Grace Jewell Eckles
About eleven years ago we were home in England from...
Constance Mary Obbard
I became interested in Christian Science about four...
Charles H. Bauer
About ten years ago I became interested in Christian Science...
Lynda W. Sommer
A Cup of Water
Signs of the Times
with contributions from John A. Paterson, John Stephens