Christian Science is in no way similar to Oriental theosophy;...


Christian Science is in no way similar to Oriental theosophy; nor is Christian Science a product of spiritualism. Christian Science is the Science of God and His universe, including man. It teaches the exact laws of salvation from all evil. Christian Science makes plain the divine Principle of Jesus' teachings, whereby he was able to destroy sin, disease, and death. It teaches that there are not spirits many, nor minds many, but only one Spirit, one Mind, in reality, because there is only one God. God's creation, including man, is spiritual, perfect. Man in God's likeness is never separated from God, here or hereafter. Christian Science makes plain the fact that God absolutely governs man. Christian Science plainly teaches that there can be no intercommunication between the so-called dead and the living. Different states of consciousness are involved, which makes such an experience impossible.

It would be impossible to estimate how many thousands of people there are living to-day whose lives have been spared and whose health has been restored since they turned to Christian Science in their extremity, and therein found the healing and saving Christ. No religion known to mankind to-day in any way equals or even compares with Christian Science in the tremendous influence for good which it is exerting in the world's affairs. Judged by its fruits, it is preeminently the church which is able to teach and prove the religion of Christ Jesus. Speaking of the main purpose of Christian Science in the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 150), Mrs. Eddy states: "To-day the healing power of Truth is widely demonstrated as an immanent, eternal Science, instead of a phenomenal exhibition. Its appearing is the coming anew of the gospel of 'on earth peace, goodwill toward men.' This coming, as was promised by the Master, is for its establishment as a permanent dispensation among men; but the mission of Christian Science now, as inthe time of its earlier demonstration, is not primarily one of physical healing. Now, as then, signs and wonders are wrought in the metaphysical healing of physical disease; but these signs are only to demonstrate its divine origin,—to attest the reality of the higher mission of the Christ-power to take away the sins of the world."

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