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Be Not Contentious
Paul had full confidence in the righteousness of God's judgments. In his famous letter to the Christians in Rome he sets forth the just reward of the righteous, to whom, "by patient continuance in well doing," eternal life is promised; but "unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath." The stalwart Apostle to the Gentiles dealt with the suggestions of evil conveyed in the word "contentious" with his accustomed vigor. In his characterization of the punishment that should surely come to those who contend, there was no euphemism, no failure to state plainly the results, namely, the "indignation and wrath" of the Lord.
Christian Scientists learn the necessity of overcoming the habit of contention; for they know that strife and altercation result from differences of opinion growing out of the disagreements of mortals. The recognition of the source of such disagreement as other than the one Mind is the proof of its falsity; and, moreover, when all are of one Mind, reflecting the infinite Father-Mother God, who is all good, there can be no disagreement, hence no basis for strife.
The tendency to contend in support of one's opinions is so general as to call for careful attention from those who are seeking to order their lives in accordance with the precepts of Christ Jesus, as elucidated and practiced by the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy. It is found upon analysis that the basis of this mental quality is the belief that man exists apart from God; that man is other than God's expression, separate from and independent of the divine Life which is the only true Being, and therefore is not perfect. With such a mistaken premise, how could right conclusions follow? Mortals little realize how serious it is to strive to establish wrong. While morally they might be excused on the ground of ignorance, yet the result is no less disastrous.
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November 10, 1923 issue
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The House Eternal
The Lesson of the Plagues
Real Gratitude
God's Law of Blessing
The Proper Confidant
"Be still, and know"
It is generally recognized and acknowledged that the...
W. Stuart Booth, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
Christ Jesus destroyed the belief in the reality of sin, sickness,...
Charles W. J. Tennant, Committee on Publication for London, England,
It is, indeed, only too true that "the condition of the mind...
Warren O. Evans, Committee on Publication for the State of Rhode Island,
Empty and groundless optimism in the face of grave...
Willard J. Welch, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
Mary Baker Eddy writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Mrs. Gudrun G. Jensen, Committee on Publication for Norway,
The farmer has a right to be prosperous, because...
Harry L. Rhodes, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from "Edith Frederick Allen, "Ethelwyn W. Parmelee
Be Not Contentious
Albert F. Gilmore
Overcoming Moral Impediments to Healing
Duncan Sinclair
As a Little Child
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Arthur G. Stevenson, Edward J. Vaughn, M. Ethel Whitcomb, Paul B. Mann, W. C. Locker
Four years ago I turned to Christian Science for healing
Isabel Morton Langton
I did not take up the study of Christian Science for...
Frank J. Morey
Many times in my life I had heard the invitation to...
Pearl Lea McPherson
In writing this testimony the difficulty is to know just...
Winifred A. Tite with contributions from Osborn F. Tite
Christian Science teaches the way out of all discordant...
Lillie Craik Dewar
I am so very grateful for all that Christian Science has...
Eugenie Borthwick
Christian Science came to me in the year 1908 when I...
Rose M. Wickert
I earnestly desire to express my gratitude for the healing...
Ernest G. Becker
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A. J. Gaynor Banks, D. M. Perley, E. W. Harb