The Lectures

Denver, Colo. (First Church).—Mrs. Emily L. Cameron, introducing Ezra W. Palmer, a Christian Science lecturer, said in part:—

One of our greatest needs is to understand the true relation of giving and receiving, and one of our lecturers aptly puts it when he says, "Our capacity to receive depends upon our capacity to give." No grace is so potent in proving this as gratitude. Gratitude heals stubbornness, criticism, faultfinding, all manner of disease. It rouses the dormand understanding to spiritual activity, and spontaneously opens the door of our thoughts to the sunshine of God's love.

Cheltenham, England (Society).—When introducing George Shaw Cook, a Christian Science lecturer, Mrs. Ethel A. A. Anderson said in part:—

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Testimony of Healing
About fifteen years ago, I was led to investigate the...
September 16, 1922

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