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Among the Churches
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Sierra Madre News
Sierra Madre, Calif. (Society).—Simple, restful beauty within, and exterior architecture that invites one within, characterize the new church home of the Christian Science Society of Sierra Madre at the corner of Hermosa and Highland Avenues. From the first design to the completed work, practically every step represents the work of members of the society, an interesting fact of which the members are justly proud. The building and lot represent a total valuation of about fifteen thousand dollars. The main auditorium has a seating capacity of about one hundred and fifty. This can be augmented by opening sliding doors into the reading room, which extends across the rear of the auditorium, with room for fifty chairs. The arched and beamed ceiling is high enough for perfect acoustic properties, but not high enough to lose the cozy, intimate atmosphere which is desirable for an auditorium of the size. Walls are finished throughout in a delicate cream, with all woodwork and pews in a delicate silver gray. Narrow window draperies and hangings at the edge of the rostrum are of mulberry velour and lend just the right color to avoid coldness. The carpet is in harmony with the woodwork. The whole effect of the building, inside and out, is one of genuine charm. It adds another to the list of distinctive and attractive church edifices of Sierra Madre.—Sierra Madre News.
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June 24, 1922 issue
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"The stranger that is within thy gates"
"Spirit is the real"
Spiritual Equipment
Stages of Experience
Love's Touch
Every one will agree with a recent correspondent of your...
John W. Harwood, Committee on Publication for Lancashire,
The editorial comments appearing in a recent issue of the...
Samuel J. Macdonald, Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
In a recent issue of your paper I observed a bank teller...
Theodore Burkhart,
In reply to a critic in a recent issue of your paper, it may...
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
Notice from The Christian Science Benevolent Association
Elisha B. Seeley with contributions from The Housekeeping Department
Joyous Work
Albert F. Gilmore
Divine Comfort
Duncan Sinclair
"Practice not profession"
Ella W. Hoag
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Lectureship
The Lectures
with contributions from Walter W. Kantack, Ernest S. Stough
One night a few months ago, while skating, I fell on my...
Marion J. Morris
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for the...
Mattie Nowlin Dobbs
I desire to express my sincere gratitude for the many...
Carrie Ehretsmann
When Christian Science was first presented to me I was...
Hattie I. Price
Christian Science is daily bringing new and wonderful...
Charlotta C. Manteufel
With a deep sense of gratitude I send these lines, hoping...
Jekab Greenblat with contributions from Mary F. Greenblat
Christian Science was presented to me at a time when I...
Jennie L. Wheeler
Words can never express my gratitude for the many...
Nellie A. Shafer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Frank N. Riale, Francis B. Upham, Leslie Frazer, Andrew J. Peters