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Leaves of Healing
In Revelation we read of the tree of life, the leaves of which "were for the healing of the nations;" but until "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy was given to the world, Bible readers, in general, were not able to glean from such Scriptural passages their depth of spiritual meaning; much less did they have the understanding to apply Bible truths to the healing of disease. The difference between the Christian Science textbook and every other commentary on the Bible that has ever been written is that the understanding of the vitality of spiritual power which the student grasps through Mrs. Eddy's interpretation of the Word enables him to heal diseases and correct discord of every name and nature.
Christian Scientists thus find, as they apply the understanding of God which they have gained through the study of this book, whereby to meet their daily needs, that Mrs. Eddy's interpretation of the Bible is both spiritual and scientific. The numerous scientific statements based on the Bible, and the elucidation of the more than eight hundred Bible citations found in this book, become leaves of healing to all who gain their understanding and spiritual import. On page 406 of this textbook we read: "The Bible contains the recipe for all healing. 'The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.'" Then follows the explanation that "the tree is typical of man's divine Principle, which is equal to every emergency, offering full salvation from sin, sickness, and death."
During many years, the understanding of man's divine Principle has been equal to the writer's every emergency, whether it were the necessity for protection in danger, comfort in trouble, or release from pain. An incident which occurred recently clearly illustrates the power of this understanding. One day, while conversing with some one, she was suddenly seized with a severe illness. Reaching quickly for the textbook, she read aloud the following words on page 495: "Let Christian Science, instead of corporeal sense, support your understanding of being, and this understanding will supplant error with Truth, replace mortality with immortality, and silence discord with harmony." There came such an illumination of meaning to the words, "Let Christian Science ... support your understanding of being," that the pain disappeared at once. The sum total of such experiences becomes, indeed, to Christian Scientists a tree of life, the leaves of which are "for the healing of nations."
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June 3, 1922 issue
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Mother Church Membership
"Search the scriptures"
Love Understood
"Except ye ... become"
Leaves of Healing
A short time ago President Harding delivered an address...
Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The Mother Church,
I have noted the remarks of a correspondent in a recent...
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
In a recent issue of your paper a correspondent mentions...
Joseph Axtell, Committee on Publication for Somerset County, England,
It must be observed that mere information in regard to...
Hans Frey, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
A contributor to your paper, in an address on superstition,...
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derby County, England,
As you request my opinion in connection with "America's Greatest Need,"...
W. Stuart Booth, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
The aim of Christian Scientists is to have more and more...
Robert G. Steel, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
Enthusiasm a Necessity
Albert F. Gilmore
Ella W. Hoag
The Futility of Human Warfare
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Israel Pickens , Edith Lamar Burch, E. H. Knapp
There came a time in my life when a complete nervous...
George Silas Haddock
I wish to express a loving gratitude for innumerable...
Jeannette B. Anthony
I am grateful to God for His eternal truth, and to Mrs. Eddy,...
Louise Julia Holden
When I first heard of Christian Science I was a semi-invalid...
Harrison H. Merrick with contributions from Carolyn McArthur Merrick
For more than twenty years I have shared the great blessings...
Bettie A. Stotts
Almost fifteen years ago my mother began the investigation...
Myrtle L. Craft
It is with profound gratitude and appreciation that I...
Austin C. Collier
Signs of the Times
with contributions from S. W. Hughes, Arthur E. Morgan