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The Lectures
Mobile, Ala. (First Church).—Following are the introductory remarks made by Israel Pickens when introducing a Christian Science lecturer:—
There are to-day countless multitudes throughout the world who have felt the healing and regenerating influence of Christian Science, and who are daily learning more and more of the spiritual laws underlying these results. The coming anew of this gospel of the kingdom among men has brought back to the world that long-lost element of healing which was the very essence of the Christianity of the early Christians, and indeed an important part of the teachings of Jesus the Christ. How wonderful were those works of his along the shores of Galilee and among the hills of Judæa where he went about healing the sick, comforting the sorrowing, awakening the sinner, and raising the dead! And now, in accordance with his immortal words when he assuringly said, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also," and with his promise that "ye shall know them by their fruits," behold again to-day, the sick healed, the sinner loosed from the hard bondage of sin, and those weary and heavy-laden with the sorrows of earth made glad! In contemplating this multitude of witnesses, is it any wonder that people are inquiring into Christian Science?
Chicago, Ill. (Eighth Church).—When introducing a lecturer of Christian Science, Edith Lamar Burch said in part:—
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June 3, 1922 issue
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Mother Church Membership
"Search the scriptures"
Love Understood
"Except ye ... become"
Leaves of Healing
A short time ago President Harding delivered an address...
Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The Mother Church,
I have noted the remarks of a correspondent in a recent...
Lester B. McCoun, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska,
In a recent issue of your paper a correspondent mentions...
Joseph Axtell, Committee on Publication for Somerset County, England,
It must be observed that mere information in regard to...
Hans Frey, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
A contributor to your paper, in an address on superstition,...
Cyril R. Hewson, Committee on Publication for Derby County, England,
As you request my opinion in connection with "America's Greatest Need,"...
W. Stuart Booth, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
The aim of Christian Scientists is to have more and more...
Robert G. Steel, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
Enthusiasm a Necessity
Albert F. Gilmore
Ella W. Hoag
The Futility of Human Warfare
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Israel Pickens , Edith Lamar Burch, E. H. Knapp
There came a time in my life when a complete nervous...
George Silas Haddock
I wish to express a loving gratitude for innumerable...
Jeannette B. Anthony
I am grateful to God for His eternal truth, and to Mrs. Eddy,...
Louise Julia Holden
When I first heard of Christian Science I was a semi-invalid...
Harrison H. Merrick with contributions from Carolyn McArthur Merrick
For more than twenty years I have shared the great blessings...
Bettie A. Stotts
Almost fifteen years ago my mother began the investigation...
Myrtle L. Craft
It is with profound gratitude and appreciation that I...
Austin C. Collier
Signs of the Times
with contributions from S. W. Hughes, Arthur E. Morgan