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Among the Churches
Hartford, Conn. —The members of Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Monday night [March 10] voted unanimously to purchase the former home of ex-Governor Henry Roberts as a site for a new church. The property has a frontage of 157 feet on Lafayette Street, 210 feet on Russ Street, and faces the little park known as Lafayette Triangle at the junction of Lafayette and Washington Streets.
Second Church of Christ, Scientist, was organized approximately ten years ago and began holding services in rooms of the Connecticut General Life Building. After three years of progress the church moved into the hall recently occupied by the food administration on Lewis Street. For the past four years it has occupied the old Park Congregational Church at the corner of Asylum and High Streets. The immediate necessity for change from this location arises from the rapid growth of the Sunday school, for which the present accommodations are inadequate. Plans for the new church will be started at once and contracts for the actual construction will probably be let early this fall.—Hartford Times.
Folsom, Cal.—The following is a statement of the minimum amount of literature distributed at Folsom Prison during the year 1918: 1606 Sentinels, 321 Journals, 12,637 Monitors, 64 Heralds, 207 pamphlets. Each of these Monitors was read by at least three men, which would be equal to nearly thirty-eight thousand Monitors. There was considerably more literature given out of which no record was kept. The first Sunday testimony meeting was held in the prison February 2. Fully seventy of the men were present and six of them gave very interesting testimonies. There were also testimonies by half a dozen students of Christian Science who went up from Sacramento. The meeting was a splendid success. Virgil O. Strickler lectured at the prison Sunday, February 23. Nine hundred and fifteen were present.
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May 10, 1919 issue
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The Stranger within Our Gates
"Owe no man"
Windows and Light
"Treasures of Truth"
Boy and Blossom
Protection Everywhere
"Ye shall know the truth"
It should be perfectly possible for our reverend critic to...
Joseph E. Badger
Handling Error
William P. McKenzie
Wasteful War
William D. McCrackan
"Am I my brother's keeper?"
Ella W. Hoag
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from Willa C. Cloys
How wonderful it is to live and be guided by Christian Science...
Louis M. Nicolai
Love and gratitude for Christian Science and the desire...
Jennie Hibben Jarvis
A few years ago my mother was taken suddenly ill one...
Gertrude E. Phipps
Over a year ago I was taken with a chill, followed by...
Francelia King
Remembering how I have been encouraged and comforted...
Ethel Mary Wilkes
I wish to express gratitude for a beautiful healing received...
Georgia E. Sampson
Before beginning the study of Christian Science, I was...
Anna F. Rheubottom
Many blessings have come into my life since I turned to...
Ada M. Webster
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Gerald Birney Smith