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Boy and Blossom
A certain geranium was very dear to me, as I had brought it from California, it having been obtained for me by my son who was in the Army and stationed there at a military camp. Needless to say, I gave the plant loving care, watched its growth daily, and longed to see it blossom. As it seemed so long before it would bloom, I silenced my eager desire for that result, and just decided to enjoy the plant. One morning I went to the window where the sun was shining gloriously, and my eyes rested on the much prized geranium, and lo! I beheld the long looked for blossom, a gorgeous coral pink, and I began to ponder the lesson that the flower had for me. Now I had not spent sleepless nights in wondering and worrying as to whether this plant would ever blossom; I never questioned in the dreary hours if it was in need of water or fresh air; I just left it alone.
I also thought of the Master's words: "Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?"
I took gratefully this merited rebuke, for I thought of the many weeks, days, and hours in which I had taken anxious thought for my soldier boy, then over in France, and I realized that I must know the unceasing care of divine Love, and that my tender plant did not need my tears and heartaches; he needed instead joy and sunshine, and to be left to God's infinite protection. I knew that the sunshine of Truth and Love would soon reveal the power of the Almighty in a victory, and the flowers of rejoicing would unfold for us upon our boy's return in safety. One of our hymns says (Hymnal. p. 259):—
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May 10, 1919 issue
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The Stranger within Our Gates
"Owe no man"
Windows and Light
"Treasures of Truth"
Boy and Blossom
Protection Everywhere
"Ye shall know the truth"
It should be perfectly possible for our reverend critic to...
Joseph E. Badger
Handling Error
William P. McKenzie
Wasteful War
William D. McCrackan
"Am I my brother's keeper?"
Ella W. Hoag
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from Willa C. Cloys
How wonderful it is to live and be guided by Christian Science...
Louis M. Nicolai
Love and gratitude for Christian Science and the desire...
Jennie Hibben Jarvis
A few years ago my mother was taken suddenly ill one...
Gertrude E. Phipps
Over a year ago I was taken with a chill, followed by...
Francelia King
Remembering how I have been encouraged and comforted...
Ethel Mary Wilkes
I wish to express gratitude for a beautiful healing received...
Georgia E. Sampson
Before beginning the study of Christian Science, I was...
Anna F. Rheubottom
Many blessings have come into my life since I turned to...
Ada M. Webster
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Gerald Birney Smith