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Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
The next admission of candidates will take place on May 30, 1919, as provided in Article XIII, Section 2, of the By-laws of The Mother Church. Application blanks may be obtained by addressing the Clerk of The Mother Church, and should be returned to him on or before Friday, May 16, 1919. Consideration of any applications received after that date will be deferred until the November 7, 1919, admission.
An application sent to the Clerk does not constitute the applicant a member. Notice of election will be sent to those who are admitted to membership.
Those who have made application for membership prior to November 1, 1918, and have not received notice of election, may communicate with the Clerk if they so desire, and are especially requested to do so before sending in a second application. Charles E. Jarvis, Clerk, 236 Huntington Avenue, Back Bay, Boston, Mass.
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February 1, 1919 issue
View Issue-
Exact Expression of Truth
God's Man
The Christian Science Monitor
The Song of Praise
"Physician, heal thyself"
Replying to the numerous erroneous and misleading...
Albert F. Gilmore
It is somewhat strange that a man who is before the...
Warren O. Evans
A Mesmerism that Is Waning
William P. McKenzie
William D. McCrackan
Sheep and Goats
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from M. Ethel Whitcomb, Harold F. Spear
In response to the loving invitation in the editorial, "Living...
Johanna Dreghorn
Christian Science came to me when very dark clouds...
William V. Collier
About a year and a half ago I fell down cellar, about...
Lina Anderson with contributions from Andrew Anderson
Since my first treatment in Christian Science some fifteen...
Cecilia I. Morse
It is almost two years since I came into the understanding...
Myrtle I. Cooney
For ten years I suffered from bowel and stomach disorder...
Alta M. Maynard with contributions from J. Earl Maynard
It is five years since I heard of Christian Science
Geraldine Wolfe
My healing came through the reading of Science and Health...
Florence E. Riley
In expression of my gratitude for the help received from...
Etta R. Evans with contributions from Robert F. Evans