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Since my first treatment in Christian Science some fifteen...
Since my first treatment in Christian Science some fifteen years ago, I have never used a material remedy and have never been tempted to do so. At that time I was healed instantly and permanently of a number of ills of long standing, such as acute indigestion, heart trouble, and sleeplessness. While thankful for the healing and confident that Christian Science would cure all manner of disease, and that every daily problem could be successfully solved by a working knowledge of this teaching, I did not for some years think of applying it to a phase of temperament or disposition which I had come to regard as a part of my very self; in fact, an inheritance.
As far back as I can remember, even as a child surrounded by the love and care of a large and devoted family, attacks of gloom or melancholy would seize me, and I would rush away from my companions into some solitary place and there spend hours of utter wretchedness. As I grew into young womanhood I became suspicious of friends, feared that they were conspiring against me and telling each other of their dislike of me. As my normal disposition was very loving, this caused me many hours of such unhappiness as only those who have been so afflicted can know. Later still, while suffering from the ills from which the truth in Christian Science freed me, and for many weary years as a semiinvalid, my only comforting thought was that I could end it all as a suicide when it could no longer be borne. The faithful doctor, who very earnestly and honestly tried to cure me, finally said that another month would find me in an insane asylum, for every known remedy had been exhausted.
Instead of this, however, I now awake in the morning with a verse of Scripture or a line from one of our Leader's beautiful passages running in my thought, and turn to our loving Father-Mother God with a heart full of gratitude for all blessings, counting the blessings over one by one and each day finding yet more. I now find the hours of the day all too short for the happy thoughts and loving help one would pass along to those still in bondage—which is surely to be lifted out of the darkness of despair into that peace "which passeth all understanding." Mrs. Eddy's teaching has made all this possible for me, and it is available for every sufferer in the world to-day. "Love," she tells us in Science and Health (p. 225), "is the liberator;" and God is Love.
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February 1, 1919 issue
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Exact Expression of Truth
God's Man
The Christian Science Monitor
The Song of Praise
"Physician, heal thyself"
Replying to the numerous erroneous and misleading...
Albert F. Gilmore
It is somewhat strange that a man who is before the...
Warren O. Evans
A Mesmerism that Is Waning
William P. McKenzie
William D. McCrackan
Sheep and Goats
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from M. Ethel Whitcomb, Harold F. Spear
In response to the loving invitation in the editorial, "Living...
Johanna Dreghorn
Christian Science came to me when very dark clouds...
William V. Collier
About a year and a half ago I fell down cellar, about...
Lina Anderson with contributions from Andrew Anderson
Since my first treatment in Christian Science some fifteen...
Cecilia I. Morse
It is almost two years since I came into the understanding...
Myrtle I. Cooney
For ten years I suffered from bowel and stomach disorder...
Alta M. Maynard with contributions from J. Earl Maynard
It is five years since I heard of Christian Science
Geraldine Wolfe
My healing came through the reading of Science and Health...
Florence E. Riley
In expression of my gratitude for the help received from...
Etta R. Evans with contributions from Robert F. Evans