times young students of Christian Science find themselves eagerly scanning the testimonies of the Christian Science periodicals hoping to find an account of some one who has solved a problem similar to theirs.
parable of the wedding feast, where the invited guests were so ready with excuses, illustrates a tendency of mortal mind which, in the words of Paul, would "deceive the very elect.
Doctor Solomon evidently agrees with Christian Science in the matter of healing in so far as to say that healing is possible through faith and prayer, but says to that extent there is nothing new in Christian Science, for Judaism and other religions also recognize the efficacy of the healing power of prayer and faith.
Christian Science has a purely spiritual foundation in demonstrable Principle, and its wonderful success arises solely from the good work it accomplishes for humanity in destroying sin and healing disease and discords.
In a short notice with reference to the taking over of the Congregational Church in Dingwall Road by the local Christian Scientists the remark was made: "If we can escape all illness by the simple process of believing that we are not ill, the Christian Scientists ought to be a real power in the land.
"Christian Science has been such a benefit to me at all times since being in the Army that in appreciation thereof I gladly give the following testimony.
The Committee on General Welfare, authorized by Resolution of The Christian Science Board of Directors, and announced by the President of The Mother Church at the Annual Meeting in June, 1919, is now in session in Boston.
with contributions from A. Chisholm, William C. Holbrook, Mary Fowler, George J. Schwartz, Cassius M. Caughey, Guy F. Wright, Lyle Young Lomax, W. S. Pond
Lecture notices can be printed in a particular number of the Sentinel when they reach the editorial department twelve days preceding its date of publication.
After an instantaneous healing of rupture through the application of the truth as taught by our beloved Leader, I went on through a period of several years knowing Christian Science to be the truth but satisfied with the results I had gained and willing to leave the study to the other fellow; in other words, my love for the world and its vices was greater than my desire for what I knew to be the truth.
About seven years ago, when tired of what life seemed to me to be, I met a Christian Science practitioner and asked her to tell me something about Christian Science, as I knew nothing about it but was desirous of beginning the study of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
For the spiritual interpretation of the Bible, as revealed through the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
I cannot let another day go by without expressing my husband's and my own deep gratitude for the healing of our eight-year-old son of a severe rupture which came about as the result of an accident.
With heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving I give my testimony to the great help that Christian Science has been to me in the overcoming of sickness and sorrow and various erroneous conditions.
After suffering a long time from an extremely nervous condition from which there seemed to be no relief, I became very much discouraged, thinking there was no help for me.
In addition to the regular cloth bound edition of "Christ and Christmas," an illustrated poem by Mary Baker Eddy, there has now been published an illustrated pocket edition of the same poem, bound in black morocco, limp, round corners, gilt edges, uniform in size with the pocket editions of other writings by Mrs.
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with contributions from A. Chisholm, William C. Holbrook, Mary Fowler, George J. Schwartz, Cassius M. Caughey, Guy F. Wright, Lyle Young Lomax, W. S. Pond