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The Lectures
Represa, Cal. (Folsom State Prison, auspices First Church, Sacramento).—Virgil O. Strickler,lecturer; introduced by Arthur E. Miller, who said in part:—
Up to five years ago I was quite bitterly opposed to what I then believed Christian Science to be. I never lost an opportunity to ridicule it or to make fun of its students; and in my ignorance I frequently warned people against it. Then a change began to come over my thoughts. I found that many bright, capable, intelligent men and women not only were accepting it but were finding great peace and joy and health and happiness through it.
Four years ago while in San Francisco, I was persuaded to attend Christian Science services. I would not have done that at home; I would have been ashamed to do so, but among strangers it seemed different, so I went. I soon learned that these people had found something which I needed, something I should have; something you need, something you should have; something the whole world needs, and something the whole world should have and will have. My prejudice was gone; my eyes were opened; and I began to see there was a mental world, a new heaven, a new earth, which I had never seen before, and I learned something of what real life is, of what real man is, of what God is. How I have since blessed those who led me to this source of all good, this open fount that is free to all!
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July 20, 1918 issue
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Hymns and Healing
Shifting Responsibility
Household Problems
Christ Jesus, in fulfilling his avowed mission of bearing...
W. Stuart Booth
"H. T.," writing in a recent issue, says: "One may be...
Charles W. J. Tennant
Christian Science does not teach such nonsense as that...
Frederick R. Rhodes
Our critic asserted that Christian Scientists deny the...
Peter B. Biggins
Heralds of Healing
William P. McKenzie
The True Rock
William D. McCrackan
A Nation's Growth
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Arthur E. Miller, Charles E. Heitman, Walter W. Powers, Douglas L. Edmonds, Charles A. Danforth, H. A. Garrett
Seven years ago, at a time when I felt a sense of need,...
Annie R. W. Johnson
Six years ago I became interested in Christian Science,...
Ingegard Leijonflycht
I am indeed grateful for Christian Science
A. E. Twitchell
I would like to try to express my gratitude for Christian Science,...
Elsa Shockley Kruse
I took up the study of Christian Science about twelve...
Mary L. K. Barr
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Frances J. Tuck
Having put Christian Science to the test for over three...
J. Marguerite Brown with contributions from Earl R. Brown
I want to tell the world how grateful and glad I am that...
Mabel E. Dutton
Nearly four years ago I took up the study of Christian Science,...
Elsa Anna Besecke
From the Press
with contributions from Charles H. Brent, Charles W. Harvey
with contributions from The Christian Science Publishing Society