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Services in Camp
Early in August, 1917, a few students of Christian Science in the ranks of what was then the—National Guard, determined that lack of a Christian Science organization in the near vicinity could act as no obstacle to their attending services while in camp. Consequently they met one Sunday evening at the home of a lady interested in Science, and after reading the Lesson-Sermon together and singing one of Mrs. Eddy's hymns, decided to hold services of their own. Through the efforts of this lady, the little Protestant chapel in the near-by village was secured, and regular church services were inaugurated, including both the Sunday morning and the Wednesday evening meetings.
The Sunday morning service was held at eight o'clock in order not to conflict with the Sunday school and service of the charitable orthodox congregation which was sharing the place of worship. Permission was obtained to publish church notices on company bulletin boards, and within a very short time the services were attended by a considerable number of soldiers, as well as by a few civilians. Attendance at the Sunday services was augmented by visiting friends and relatives of the fifteen thousand soldiers quartered in camp; thus the glad news of the flourishing young branch spread rapidly throughout the entire state. Quarterlies and Hymnals were contributed by a Church of Christ, Scientist, in the state. The collections taken were used to defray the nominal rent charged, and a balance of over ten dollars was remitted to the state committee on publication, from whom great encouragement had been received. The First Reader, pianist, and usher were soldiers; the Second Reader was the wife of an officer; all were members of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts.
It was a very great privilege to announce from the desk that the Christian Science periodicals and the works of Mrs. Eddy, including the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," could be borrowed from, or be read at, any of the three libraries maintained in camp by the Y. M. C. A. Toward the close of September the last troops left for the South, and the services, which had been conducted regularly up to that time, were then discontinued.
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July 20, 1918 issue
View Issue-
Hymns and Healing
Shifting Responsibility
Household Problems
Christ Jesus, in fulfilling his avowed mission of bearing...
W. Stuart Booth
"H. T.," writing in a recent issue, says: "One may be...
Charles W. J. Tennant
Christian Science does not teach such nonsense as that...
Frederick R. Rhodes
Our critic asserted that Christian Scientists deny the...
Peter B. Biggins
Heralds of Healing
William P. McKenzie
The True Rock
William D. McCrackan
A Nation's Growth
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Arthur E. Miller, Charles E. Heitman, Walter W. Powers, Douglas L. Edmonds, Charles A. Danforth, H. A. Garrett
Seven years ago, at a time when I felt a sense of need,...
Annie R. W. Johnson
Six years ago I became interested in Christian Science,...
Ingegard Leijonflycht
I am indeed grateful for Christian Science
A. E. Twitchell
I would like to try to express my gratitude for Christian Science,...
Elsa Shockley Kruse
I took up the study of Christian Science about twelve...
Mary L. K. Barr
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings...
Frances J. Tuck
Having put Christian Science to the test for over three...
J. Marguerite Brown with contributions from Earl R. Brown
I want to tell the world how grateful and glad I am that...
Mabel E. Dutton
Nearly four years ago I took up the study of Christian Science,...
Elsa Anna Besecke
From the Press
with contributions from Charles H. Brent, Charles W. Harvey
with contributions from The Christian Science Publishing Society