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With a deep sense of gratitude I send this testimony,...
With a deep sense of gratitude I send this testimony, hoping it will mean to some one who is struggling with some condition believed incurable, what a dear lady's message meant to me in an hour of great need. This lady, hearing of my condition, came to me with a face beaming with the sunshine of divine Love and a heart filled with gratitude, to tell me how she had been healed of a serious physical affliction, and also of a great sorrow. She had proved that "man's extremity is God's opportunity," and knew there was help for me. She had felt it her duty to come to me with this hope, and she left me a number of copies of the Sentinel, saying that she would provide me with more if I cared to have them.
At first none of this meant much to me, but finally I read a little in one of the Sentinels and enjoyed it so much that I read them all and sent for more. Then I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and after doing so for several weeks I began to realize that I was gaining. This encouraged me to continue the study, and in a little over a year I was entirely healed. I was at that time living in another state and was not acquainted with any of the Christian Scientists there. No one knew that I was reading the book, not even the members of my own family. No one knew what was healing me, nor did I myself fully realize that perfect healing was to be mine until it was nearly complete.
I had been in very poor health for fourteen years, much of the time not able to be around, and I had spent months in hospitals undergoing four serious operations. Finally I had a shock, which completely paralyzed one whole side, and such was the condition in which this lady found me. I had the best physicians in the city where I then lived, and they were faithful in doing all they could for me; but it was again proved that God is greater than man, and that the reading of the Christian Science textbook heals all manner of disease. I am now a member of The Mother Church. This healing took place about eight years ago, and has been permanent.
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May 18, 1918 issue
View Issue-
Enlightenment and Liberty
Truth Unfailing
Lions in the Den
Daily Bread
As a member of one of the so-called evangelical churches...
Frederick H. Eley
There is surely no occasion for doubt as to the stand...
W. Stuart Booth
When man's spiritual being is understood as the idea of...
Miss Mary Lascelle Struve
The House of Rimmon
William P. McKenzie
Light and Gladness
Annie M. Knott
Our Boys at the Front
William D. McCrackan
The Lectures
with contributions from Bicknell Young, Walter R. Eis, W. W. Babcock, Ella Woessner
For six years I was an invalid
Emma J. Leas
Even as the leaves of a tree are similar in general appearance,...
A. Vernon Sheffield
In the spring of 1911 I contracted what is known as...
Bothilde Blichfeld
I have received many blessings from Christian Science
M. B. McFeeters
I have been a Christian Scientist and a member of the...
Clinton L. Barkley
I want to express my thankfulness to God, who through...
Elizabeth E. Dorn
The first proof I had of the efficacy of the truth as given...
Ethel Bordeaux Crawford
My sincere gratitude for the blessings of Christian Science...
Laura H. Holbrook
Christian Science came to our home eighteen years ago...
Cora M. Jones
With a deep sense of gratitude I send this testimony,...
Cora M. Durkee
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Elizabeth C. Irons
From the Press
with contributions from L. H. Gaunt
with contributions from The Christian Science Publishing Society