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Quietness and Confidence
"I suppose you have read in the newspapers about the severe earthquake here last Sunday. I have experienced several of these shakes, but this was the worst one that I remember. A Christian Science lecture was in progress at the time and there were over five thousand people present. The building began to rock and roll as though it would come down; in fact the shock was so great that the chandeliers swayed three or four feet each way from the center and continued to swing for forty-five minutes after the shock.
"When the shock was at its height many of the people raised up in their seats and started for the door. The lecturer did not know what was happening; he only knew that fear had taken hold of the people. He turned to——and was told that it was an earthquake. He immediately turned to the crowd and said, 'Sit down.' I was ushering at the main entrance in the rear, and repeated the command. The work of the Scientists caused the people immediately to go to their seats. Only twelve left the hall, and seven of these returned to hear the balance of the lecture.
"I am so grateful to have had this experience and to have seen the effect of the speaker's next remarks. He said in clear, positive tones, 'There is no power on earth that can make the English speaking peoples fearful.' When he said that there was a great applause and the mesmerism of the occurrence was over. He then told of a somewhat similar experience during an air raid. He told the people how an audience in London behaved under similar circumstances. I am sure that not one person who heard that lecture will ever forget the experience. Contrasting this experience with the mobs and rushes that were reported to have occurred in the theaters in the city, I see a great lesson."
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May 18, 1918 issue
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Enlightenment and Liberty
Truth Unfailing
Lions in the Den
Daily Bread
As a member of one of the so-called evangelical churches...
Frederick H. Eley
There is surely no occasion for doubt as to the stand...
W. Stuart Booth
When man's spiritual being is understood as the idea of...
Miss Mary Lascelle Struve
The House of Rimmon
William P. McKenzie
Light and Gladness
Annie M. Knott
Our Boys at the Front
William D. McCrackan
The Lectures
with contributions from Bicknell Young, Walter R. Eis, W. W. Babcock, Ella Woessner
For six years I was an invalid
Emma J. Leas
Even as the leaves of a tree are similar in general appearance,...
A. Vernon Sheffield
In the spring of 1911 I contracted what is known as...
Bothilde Blichfeld
I have received many blessings from Christian Science
M. B. McFeeters
I have been a Christian Scientist and a member of the...
Clinton L. Barkley
I want to express my thankfulness to God, who through...
Elizabeth E. Dorn
The first proof I had of the efficacy of the truth as given...
Ethel Bordeaux Crawford
My sincere gratitude for the blessings of Christian Science...
Laura H. Holbrook
Christian Science came to our home eighteen years ago...
Cora M. Jones
With a deep sense of gratitude I send this testimony,...
Cora M. Durkee
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Elizabeth C. Irons
From the Press
with contributions from L. H. Gaunt
with contributions from The Christian Science Publishing Society