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Enlightenment and Liberty
At the close of a summer's day, a party of us were returning by water from a sight-seeing excursion, and were entering New York harbor. As we sat watching the declining sun in all its glory, I remember catching my first glimpse of the majestic statue of Liberty in the distance, all aglow with the sun's reflected rays. Turning to my brother, who had lovingly planned our trip, I exclaimed, "Oh! Behold Liberty enlightening the world." He was silent for a moment, then replied, "Yes; or rather, Enlightenment liberating the world." This thought of the enlightenment which does liberate men made a deep impression on me, and then came the realization that Christian Science is the true Science which enlightens and emancipates from bondage. Jesus declared that the truth he taught would make men free, and he also said, "I am the light of the world."
In after years, while striving for freedom from the seeming slavery of ill health, both mental and physical, I began to appreciate a little what it means really to enlighten thought. I found it could not be done by simply reading our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mes. Eddy, nor yet by hours spent in the study of Christian Science, unless the rules found therein were persistently applied and put into practice in daily life. The work of human enlightenment, then, could not be accomplished in a moment; but by small beginnings and much patient endeavor the light of divine Mind would, with its spiritual illumination, eventually sweep away with the power of Love all the darkness of wrong thinking. I could see the ultimate goal, but the work to be accomplished before arriving at that point assumed huge proportions to human sense.
One effect produced by spiritual enlightenment must surely be an expression of perfect health, and of this I was indeed in great need at the time. I had heard of many wonderful cases of healing being accomplished by simply reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Those happy people, I decided, who received their liberty so easily and naturally, must possess some quality of thought which I appeared to lack, but in striving to know the truth regarding God and man, I uncovered the error which seemed to be holding me back. I saw that these people must have been receptive of the right idea, or their healing could not have come to them so quickly. Having made this discovery, I naturally decided that my own lack of demonstration was due to an unreceptive mental state. At this point a sense of discouragement tried hard to gain an entrance into thought, but after many battles it was expelled and dispelled by remembering that "God is no respecter of persons." I also saw, as never before, that the little seed of truth cannot even be sown until there is at least one spot of good ground in which it can be planted and carefully cultivated. It was, then, my work to dig deep and uproot the tares which years of wrong thinking had planted. This conclusion reached, the work of uprooting and sowing started in earnest. The task seemed indeed to be arduous, but I rejoice when I look back through the years and see the good that has been accomplished. It is with gratitude unbounded that I recall Mrs. Eddy's words on page 518 of Science and Health: "Love giveth to the least spiritual idea might, immortality, and goodness, which shine through all as the blossom shines through the bud."
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May 18, 1918 issue
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Enlightenment and Liberty
Truth Unfailing
Lions in the Den
Daily Bread
As a member of one of the so-called evangelical churches...
Frederick H. Eley
There is surely no occasion for doubt as to the stand...
W. Stuart Booth
When man's spiritual being is understood as the idea of...
Miss Mary Lascelle Struve
The House of Rimmon
William P. McKenzie
Light and Gladness
Annie M. Knott
Our Boys at the Front
William D. McCrackan
The Lectures
with contributions from Bicknell Young, Walter R. Eis, W. W. Babcock, Ella Woessner
For six years I was an invalid
Emma J. Leas
Even as the leaves of a tree are similar in general appearance,...
A. Vernon Sheffield
In the spring of 1911 I contracted what is known as...
Bothilde Blichfeld
I have received many blessings from Christian Science
M. B. McFeeters
I have been a Christian Scientist and a member of the...
Clinton L. Barkley
I want to express my thankfulness to God, who through...
Elizabeth E. Dorn
The first proof I had of the efficacy of the truth as given...
Ethel Bordeaux Crawford
My sincere gratitude for the blessings of Christian Science...
Laura H. Holbrook
Christian Science came to our home eighteen years ago...
Cora M. Jones
With a deep sense of gratitude I send this testimony,...
Cora M. Durkee
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Elizabeth C. Irons
From the Press
with contributions from L. H. Gaunt
with contributions from The Christian Science Publishing Society