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Even as the leaves of a tree are similar in general appearance,...
Even as the leaves of a tree are similar in general appearance, yet so different in detail that no two are exactly alike, so the experiences of all who have become acquainted with Christian Science are in agreement fundamentally, though the combination of details is different in each individual's experience. Although I had been reared in a home where the value of right action was emphasized, I found little satisfaction in conventional modes of living when the time came for me to strike out for myself. I lived very much after the fashion of those with whom I came in contact in the business and social world, yet there was always a sense of incompleteness—a strong desire for an explanation of it all. I had become a member of a church before I was fifteen years old, and was more or less active in church and Sunday school work, but the fact soon became apparent to me that I desired a clearer statement of truth than this denomination afforded; consequently, I lost interest in my church affiliation, and after reading a number of different interpretations of Scripture, decided that, since no one seemed to know about the great verities of being, there was nothing to do but to take things as I found them.
Following this state of things, I dabbled mildly in mental suggestion and kindred practices until living took on a distorted appearance to me because of continued efforts to achieve fulfillment of my petty plans through will power. It was at this juncture that I heard of Christian Science. At first I felt inclined to ridicule it; but later I read a lecture in pamphlet form and was very much impressed by the reasonable and logical statements it contained. Shortly after this I was stricken with fever and called in a physician; but before his third visit I decided to have Christian Science treatment to see if it would accomplish what had been claimed for it. Upon his arrival the physician was duly notified that his services were no longer required, as a change of treatment had been decided upon. Within a few hours after absent treatment was begun by a practitioner the fever left me, and in a few days I was up. Strength came to me as quickly as in the most favorable cases handled by the medical profession, and a great deal more quickly than is usually expected. Altogether I was absent from work about three weeks.
Such was my introduction to Christian Science. From the first I enjoyed reading its literature, and early became convinced that there was no resemblance nor relationship between this teaching and any form of mental suggestion or manipulation of the human mind; but it was not until I began to see the necessity of applying these teachings to the details of daily living that I caught a glimpse of their value, and of the proper place of Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, as a benefactor of mankind. I have not only been healed of fever, but of many other inharmonies as well. During the seven years which have elapsed since my first acquaintance with it, this saving truth has been my only remedy for discord of every nature. Severe bruises and cuts, skin disease, eye trouble, and many other physical ailments have been healed by its means. My position in the business world has been considerably bettered, fears of many varieties have been overcome, and a number of undesirable traits of character eradicated,—all through the agency of Christian Science.
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May 18, 1918 issue
View Issue-
Enlightenment and Liberty
Truth Unfailing
Lions in the Den
Daily Bread
As a member of one of the so-called evangelical churches...
Frederick H. Eley
There is surely no occasion for doubt as to the stand...
W. Stuart Booth
When man's spiritual being is understood as the idea of...
Miss Mary Lascelle Struve
The House of Rimmon
William P. McKenzie
Light and Gladness
Annie M. Knott
Our Boys at the Front
William D. McCrackan
The Lectures
with contributions from Bicknell Young, Walter R. Eis, W. W. Babcock, Ella Woessner
For six years I was an invalid
Emma J. Leas
Even as the leaves of a tree are similar in general appearance,...
A. Vernon Sheffield
In the spring of 1911 I contracted what is known as...
Bothilde Blichfeld
I have received many blessings from Christian Science
M. B. McFeeters
I have been a Christian Scientist and a member of the...
Clinton L. Barkley
I want to express my thankfulness to God, who through...
Elizabeth E. Dorn
The first proof I had of the efficacy of the truth as given...
Ethel Bordeaux Crawford
My sincere gratitude for the blessings of Christian Science...
Laura H. Holbrook
Christian Science came to our home eighteen years ago...
Cora M. Jones
With a deep sense of gratitude I send this testimony,...
Cora M. Durkee
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Elizabeth C. Irons
From the Press
with contributions from L. H. Gaunt
with contributions from The Christian Science Publishing Society