An otherwise commendable article in a recent issue of the...

Denver (Col.) Statesman

An otherwise commendable article in a recent issue of the Statesman erred greatly in its assertion that "Christian Scientists have a theory that if you are real sick and believe that you are real well, real well you are and not sick."

In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. Eddy writes on page 83, "Nothing is more antagonistic to Christian Science than a blind belief without understanding, for such a belief hides Truth and builds on error." A belief that one is real well when one is real sick is certainly "a blind belief," and one trusting therein is bound to fall into the ditch of disappointment and despair, from which he can be lifted only by the spiritual understanding afforded by Christian Science.

When Christ Jesus said, "If ye continue in my word, ... ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," he plainly pointed us, not to mere belief, but to that scientific understanding which enabled him to heal and to save from every enslaving condition. When the Master declared that one whom he healed had been bound by Satan, defined by him as "a liar" and the father of lies, he therein showed the illegitimate and false source and nature of disease; hence his scientific advice that freedom is to be realized through knowing the truth about God and His creation.

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