is a species of ant that thinks it cannot cross a chalk line, and if one of these finds itself encircled by such a line, it will perish for need of food and water.
people do not understand that Christian Science Mind-healing is based upon a demonstrable Principle, and so are misled as to its origin and purpose.
a somewhat busy street of one of our western towns the people gazing from the windows of a passing street car beheld a sight which for a moment arrested their attention.
Whether the word heart, in its symbolic Scriptural meaning and its modern common and literary usage, is understood to refer to the affections and emotions or to the intellect and will, it is certain that, in any case, it indicates conditions and states of the human mind.
It should be understood that Christian Science is not faith cure, nor are Christian Science healings the result of the commonly accepted thought about mind over matter; but Christian Science healing is accomplished through the power of divine Mind, or God, over the human mind.
In an interesting and appreciative account of a Christian Science lecture recently given in Portsmouth, a writer in Chat speaks of the phenomenal progress in the world of this religion, which "has proved itself to be a blessing and a joy to vast numbers of people for its healing and regenerating effects.
An otherwise commendable article in a recent issue of the Statesman erred greatly in its assertion that "Christian Scientists have a theory that if you are real sick and believe that you are real well, real well you are and not sick.
The Press reported a former rabbi's address at a local Bible Conference in which he told of his conversion to Christianity and referred to his experience in Christian Science, the teachings of which, he tells us, he renounced and then "began to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
A great many persons have had the erroneous idea that Christian Scientists' charity is of such a highly ethereal and ultraspiritual sort that in most exemplifications it might run the danger of starving the needy while treatment was resorted to in expectation of magically derived supply.
My attention has been called to a statement appearing in The Searchlight and purporting to come from the office of the state superintendent of public instruction, to the effect that Christian Scientists are opposing the physical examination of children in the public schools as a preliminary to physical training.
recent times religious people have to a large extent turned away from the literal interpretation of the Scriptures, especially where prophecy is concerned.
In order to be better prepared to give spiritual help in the Army and Navy through Christian Science literature and in other ways, it is desired to secure the names and present complete mail address of all officers and men in the military, naval, or aero service of the United States and of its allies, who are Christian Scientists or who have shown an interest in Christian Science.
My family and I have received great blessings through Christian Science, and for the benefit of those in bondage who are seeking for the truth, I give this testimony of some of the many healings experienced.
I did not come to Christian Science for physical healing, but because of a deep desire to know God, and when I found and entered His kingdom through the teachings of Christian Science, the "other things" promised by Christ Jesus were added in the exact ratio that my thought was prepared to receive the blessing.
The winter of 1907 found me bedfast with a complication of diseases, among them a serious stomach trouble, which had not yielded to the earnest efforts of a number of physicians and a specialist.
My attention was first called to Christian Science while I was a young girl, but not being associated with people of this faith it soon passed from my thought.
I did not take up the study of Christian Science for physical healing, but was led to do so through many beautiful proofs of the power of Truth by members of my family.
It is with a deep sense of gratitude I give this testimony of the many blessings that have come into my life during the past ten years, since I first took up the study of Christian Science.
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