there is nothing that strikes more of a sense of terror or hopelessness to the human heart than the thought that one is the victim of some hereditary condition, for the relief of which all human skill has proved of no avail.
teacher was comparatively young in the study of Christian Science, and when she was given charge of a class in the Sunday school, she was at first filled with fear, for she knew something of the child mind and its capacity for asking questions, and she was aware of her own lack of knowledge.
The idea of some future state where compensation would be made for the ills of this world, and where virtue would find its perfect reward, has been common to most races, but in early times it undoubtedly found its most vivid expression amongst the Hebrews and those nations contiguous to them.
The pastor of Stockton's largest evangelical church intimated from the pulpit last Sunday that the press of Stockton was discriminatory in this: it published pages for a church devoted to the gospel of health and little for other churches.
Instead of using their building fund to enlarge and beautify the church, the members of First Church of Christ, Scientist, have instructed their treasurer to purchase Liberty Bonds with the three thousands dollar building fund.
The gentleman who criticized The Christian Science Monitor in your issue of Augest 14 for its editorial comment on a public statement made by Cardinal Begin, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Quebec, ignored the point and reason of the comment which furnished the occasion for his letter.
"The ten dollars which I inclose with this letter represents my entire savings, and I would like to have you use it to send copies of Science and Health or some of our beloved Christian Science papers over to our soldiers in France.
is the great antagonist of that mental malpractice by which the overserious may be threatened at times, with which the wicked may agree, and to which the fearful may yield.
this period we are hearing a great deal about food, and it is agreed upon all hands that although older people may have to deny themselves many things in a material way, yet the need that children shall have the right sort of food and plenty of it in their earlier years is insisted upon by all who have the good of humanity at heart.
with contributions from Christian Science War Relief Committee
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts, announces a free public lecture on Christian Science by Paul Stark Seeley, a member of the Christian Science board of lectureship, in the church edifice, Falmouth, Norway, and St.
Christian Science first came to my notice when I was a child of twelve years, through the restoration of two relatives from invalidism to perfect health.
It is seven years since I took up the study of Christian Science, and it is my duty and privilege to tell of the many blessings received since studying this truth.
The desire to acknowledge some of the benefits received through Christian Science and to do all in my power to show my gratitude is the reason for this testimony.
So deep is my gratitude and so numerous are my blessings, as a result of the study and application of the truth as taught in Christian Science, that I avail myself of every opportunity of passing on the wonderful story to others, knowing that if but one is encouraged thereby the word has not been spoken in vain.
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