In giving credit in your paper to various healing agencies...

Canadian Courier

In giving credit in your paper to various healing agencies—including "sunlight, fresh air, cheerful company, et cetera"—you expressed also your belief that Christian Science heals by mental or spiritual suggestion, although you indicated that it my use "faith, prayer, and knowledge." Permit me to say that Christian Science shows the radical distinction between suggestion and knowledge. A child is taught the multiplication take, not by suggestion but by demonstration, by having it made clear to the child's unfolding mathematical sense that twice two is four, and so on. Christ Jesus said, "If ye continue in my word, ... ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." The truth referred to is spiritual, the truth that man is the offspring of Spirit, is Godlike, spiritual. The knowledge of this gives freedom, which includes good health. Spiritual knowledge is, therefore, the very opposite of suggestion. A false belief may be suggested, but only the truth can be known; and the truth is applied by being known, not suggested.

Furthermore, Christian Science is not merely mental negation, but spiritual affirmation. A negation is of value only if it is based logically on a spiritual affirmation. To negate sin a man must affirm that goodness is natural, for and real. To negate disease one must know that God made man in His own image; that it is natural for man reflecting God to be sane, sound, and healthy. The affirmation of the power of good, sincerely lived, negates evil in its incipient suggestion and in its outward forms.

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Extracts from Letters
November 23, 1918

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