I wish to testify to the healing power of Truth as taught...

I wish to testify to the healing power of Truth as taught in Science and Health. Four years ago I came into Christian Science, after being blessed with the healing of what was called incipient tuberculosis. My home was in Chicago, and we had one of the best doctors there. He ordered me to go West, and I did so seven years ago, living in Colorado and Wyoming, but the climate did not seem to do me much good; in fact, I got worse and a bad cough manifested itself. It did not make any difference how cold the weather was, at night the perspiration was extreme. I have a sister in Chicago who is a Christian Scientist, and my wife finally said she would write to her for help. Having reached a stage where I saw that medicine could not help me, I consented, and in about four days, just time for the letter to get there, the cough left me, never to return. I am thankful for the healing, but most of all for the spiritual uplift which the reading of Science and Health gives to me and to every one who reads it seeking the truth.

My wife is also interested in Christian Science, and we go over the Lesson-Sermon every day. I wish to reiterate that I am thankful to God for all these blessings, and grateful to our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for giving to poor humanity her wonderful book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," wherein we are taught to pray aright.—E. B. Vogel, Attalia, Wash.

I am glad to write the following testimony in grateful acknowledgment of what Christian Science has done for me. Eleven years ago I became interested in this teaching through the healing of my little brother, who for three or four years had been subject to spasms. My parents had tried various methods of cure without benefit to the boy. It seemed as though a great cloud was lifted from our home as soon as Christian Science treatment was given, for my brother was healed. The result of this healing was a marked change in his disposition. He soon asked to go to the Christian Science Sunday school and in time my other brother, my sister, and I followed him; indeed, it has been true in our family that "a little child shall lead them."

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January 5, 1918

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