In the most sweeping of all decisions upholding prohibition laws, the Supreme Court of the United States has just upheld as constitutional and valid the Webb-Kenyon law prohibiting shipments of liquor from "wet" to "dry" states.
the first chapter of Genesis we read, "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth.
was a longing to be of service to suffering humanity which made me become a nurse in a large hospital in Europe; but as years went by and experiences accumulated, the conviction grew stronger that salvation from suffering and death could not be expected from any of the prevailing systems of medicine.
of Christian Science do well to remember that one Mind or infinite intelligence governs all, and that when the occasion arises for giving expression to their gratitude for healing and for blessings received, they are but the channel for voicing good and will be guided in their utterances by Spirit.
No longer seek I for some peak in DarienWhereon to stand and view a wide expanse,For my heart knows an ocean deeply blue,Far broader, deeper than the western seaBalboa gazed upon, and seeing itSo still and calm,Called it the Pacific.
Fair-minded persons will see upon a moment's reflection that disconnected sentences from Science and Health, separated from their context and presented in a setting of an antagonist's own language, do not form an argument.
desirable Christian uniformity and conformity may seem as a matter of expediency, it has no real value unless it be the expression of spiritual unity.
Many years prior to taking up the study of Christian Science I searched long and earnestly for light upon the Scriptures, and for an explanation of Jesus' sayings, which I thoroughly believed must be true.
Before becoming interested in Christian Science I suffered from nervous breakdowns every year, was continually taking medicine, and hardly knew what it meant to be really well.
About twenty-three years ago I first heard of Christian Science, but like many others was too prejudiced to investigate the subject, and even objected to hearing it talked about, although I knew people who claimed to have been healed by it.
Looking back over the years of suffering and distress due to physical ills, I rejoice in having been freed from bondage through a knowledge of God's goodness.
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