we remember that every mortal is a creature of education and that the influence of environment and association is largely responsible for the formation of his character, it is very evident that his manner of living is simply the result of his obedience to that particular condition of thought by which he has been surrounded.
going over the whole of the experience which follows, the writer's heart is full of gratitude to a loving Father, who guided, guarded, sustained, and delivered us during a recent disaster at sea.
Christian Science
rightly applied and rightly received heals completely and permanently, but we must be willing to comply with the requirements whereby the healing power of Truth can be demonstrated.
pursuit of her stupendous task of uncovering to the human consciousness the unreality of matter and contrasting this unreality with the reality of Spirit, Mrs.
proves the wisdom of becoming so familiar with the works of the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science that incorrect teaching is at once detected.
thinking upon the giving of testimonies it has often seemed better to give more prominence to the operation of good in human consciousness, rather than to dwell too much on error's ways and works.
When the most scientific and Christian man of all time, Christ Jesus, went about doing good,—healing the sick, freeing the sin-bound, and comforting the sorrowing,—he was maligned, because the divine Principle of his teaching and practice was not understood.
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts, announces a free public lecture on Christian Science by John Randall Dunn, a member of the Christian Science board of lectureship, in the church edifice, Falmouth, Norway, and St.
I wish to express my thankfulness to God for all the good that has come to me through a better understanding of Him, made possible through the study of Christian Science.
Because the help received from Christian Science has been mental and moral rather than physical, I have long delayed offering my testimony for publication; but I now gladly subscribe the following in the hope that some one of similar temperament may perhaps find interest in the experiences which taught me that "if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.
In 1915 our baby had a very wonderful healing, and as my wish is to help others, I am happy to be able to write this account of it to be published, since I have read so many testimonies which have helped me.
I first became interested in Christian Science through the works of healing that were going on all about me, and a desire to know how they were accomplished.
For what Christian Science has done for me and mine I am more grateful than can be expressed in words, as it has been our only help for almost eleven years.
As a member of a so-called liberal church I found myself in early life quite satisfied with its teachings; in fact I never doubted that it was the true religion until sorrows and trials came, and then I learned that it held no balm for the troubled heart.
Mary F. Harstedt
with contributions from William H. Harstedt
With grateful thanks for the many blessings which have been mine since first taking up the study of Christian Science, I would like to send the following testimony, hoping it may help some one to keep firmly hold of the power of divine Love.
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