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"Ye have need of patience"
A most helpful illustration of the unfailing power of Truth as revealed to us in Christian Science came into my experience recently. About the middle of October I invested in six narcissus bulbs, thinking that by Thanksgiving day they would be in bloom. It was however found that the bowl was only large enough for five of them, so the sixth was placed by itself in another jar. Almost immediately the five began to thrive. In a couple of weeks the leaves and flowerstalks had unfolded and shot up. Then the buds burst forth, and about the middle of November the blossoms were full blown and fragrant. Even then the stalks kept on growing, and finally had to be supported.
The one lone bulb, on the other hand, had shown no sign of unfoldment. It lay there, an ugly brown thing,—and how many times the temptation came to throw it out as unworthy of any care! It was changed from one window to another, but all to no purpose. Often it seemed in the way, but the thought expressed by Paul would come again and again: "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase." These words from Science and Health (p. 520): "Growth is the eternal mandate of Mind," were recalled, also this passage from another of Mrs. Eddy's works (No and Yes, p. 8): "We can rejoice that every germ of goodness will at last struggle into freedom and greatness." And so the days passed into weeks, until it was nearly Christmas time. At last a tiny green sprout told that the law of growth was there, and day by day the unfoldment went on slowly but surely, until a tiny bud appeared, and finally burst forth in perfect blossom, fragrant and sweet. It brought more joy than the other five, because of its wonderful lesson of patience, and it lasted when they were faded and gone.
Every one who has learned how to pray in the light of Christian Science has had abundant proof of the power of the word to heal instantly both physical and mental discords, and no one can be less than deeply grateful for the understanding which is "instant in season, out of season," for Truth, the ever-present remedy for all human ills. But the larger, deeper lessons come sometimes only after long weeks or even months of patient endeavor, persistent effort, and prayerful activity in endeavoring to let the Mind which was in Christ Jesus be also in us, and rule out of us the carnal thoughts of self-love and self-will in their insidious phases of evil. And how stubborn and tenacious seem these errors of mortal mind which so persistently refuse to yield to the sunshine of Truth and the gentle, persuasive ministrations of ever-present Love! Despite our stubborn, relentless obstinacy, however, the great Father-Mother Love, brooding over all earth's tired children, with infinite patience and tenderness leads each one to push through the tight wrappings of his self-enswathed mortal belief and step out of mental darkness into the liberty of Life and light.
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May 27, 1916 issue
View Issue-
Safeguarding the Home of Thought
A Lesson from the Sunshine
Ark of the Covenant
"Ye have need of patience"
Being a Blessing
Enlightenment Born of Experience
In his sermon at the George Street Congregational Church...
Charles W. J. Tennant
I would be glad to have space for comment on your statement...
Thorwald Siegfried
Christian Science declares that God, Spirit, Mind, is the...
Robert S. Ross
In a review of a book of addresses recently published, it is...
Duncan Sinclair
Take Notice
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"Judge not"
Archibald McLellan
Conformity to Law
John B. Willis
"Faith and unfaith"
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Will McConnell, D. R. Crissinger, Joseph B. Mills, W. M. Odell, V. W. Helm, A. G. Wilson
It was about twenty-five years ago that Christian Science...
E. Everett MacGill
I feel impelled by a great sense of joy to tell what Christian Science...
Maria Louisa Johnson
The Preface of Science and Health opens with the words,...
John H. Pitchford
With a heart filled with gratitude I wish to acknowledge...
Mary Frederica Heinz
It has been my privilege to experience God's care and...
Margarete Kuebusch
Four years ago I began the study of Christian Science,...
Virginia M. Pritchard
As one who has received untold blessings through the...
Frank C. Treacher
Christian Science healed me of a malignant growth on the...
Nannie G. Wilson with contributions from Marie Hawley Bell
Several years ago I received the first Christian Science...
Minnie A. St. John
I have a deep sense of gratitude for the blessings that have...
Bessie C. Broun with contributions from Emerson
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Henry Kingman, Ryle