The National Geographic Society in a bulletin says: "If the United States and Denmark strike a bargain and the three islands which comprise the Danish West Indies are transferred to the former, the sale will mark the culmination of a bit of bartering which began nearly fifty years ago, when the American Government offered $7,500,000 for the 138 square miles of territory in the Antilles.
would-be visitors are ever awaiting admission to the home of consciousness, and the kind of reception which we extend to them, strange as it may seem, determines our peace, health, and comfort.
a certain sunny window there hangs a small cut-glass prism, which, delicately swaying with every passing breeze, catches the sunbeams as they wander by, holds them for an instant, and then by the magic of its touch sends them into the room transformed into dancing rainbows.
write history which subsequently is read by other men, and while it seems more than we may expect that every historian should write with discerning wisdom, it is nevertheless within the possibilities of every individual reader's attainment to read human history with a divining consciousness of the vast range of man's real being, and to see the incidents therein contained, not as facts in any final sense, but as symbols.
promise, "Thou shalt be a blessing," quoted in a recent letter to the writer by a friend, recalled vividly to her thought how the application of the truths of Christian Science fulfils in the experience of its students this Scriptural promise to Abraham.
Since the article here following is a reply to an article which appeared in our columns, and since we wish to observe the rule of justice that one attacked should not be denied a word in his own defense.
In his sermon at the George Street Congregational Church the clergyman is reported as having referred to people who today are turning aside from Christianity and the church of Christ and embracing the "gratuitous irrelevancies of Christian Science.
I would be glad to have space for comment on your statement in a recent issue, that you have been unable to find the source of Christian Science healing outside of certain movements which deal with the speculations and theories of the human mind.
Christian Science declares that God, Spirit, Mind, is the perfect Principle of all that really exists; that the real universe, including man, is spiritual, perfect, harmonious, intact now and forever, and that this spiritual fact can never be changed.
In a review of a book of addresses recently published, it is stated that the author of them pronounced Christian Science "to be 'founded on a scheme of metaphysics which is crudely absurd,' but the faith built upon that unsatisfactory foundation he regards as 'entitled to all respect.
wish to caution members of The Mother Church in regard to the frequent solicitations they receive by mail and otherwise to invest their money in enterprises which purport to make a special appeal to Christian Scientists.
it is unquestionably true that those who are seeking "first the kingdom of God" are assured and do attain the peace "which passeth all understanding," this plane of achievement does not by any means carry with it exemption from trials of their faith and even persecutions because of their faith.
who are interested in nothing the happy adjustment of means to an end cannot fail to be impressed as they look upon an up-to-date printing-press, a Jacquard loom, or any other of the thousand mechanical devices which figure so largely in modern so-called civilization.
A well-known
poet says that "faith and unfaith can ne'er be equal powers," a sentiment with which most thinkers would agree; and yet, sad to say, there is much more unfaith in human experience than faith.
It was about twenty-five years ago that Christian Science was introduced to the quiet little Wisconsin village of which I was at that time a resident, and well do I remember the manner in which it was received by those who did not then accept its teachings.
It has been my privilege to experience God's care and omnipotence since I have learned through Christian Science that man is His perfect offspring, hence forever intact.
As one who has received untold blessings through the teachings of Christian Science I desire to express my gratitude for this practical revelation of the truth which has healed me of sickness and sin and brought peace and joy into my life.
I had known of Christian Science for a number of years and owned a copy of Science and Health, but did not think seriously of Science until confronted by the necessity for an operation.
I have a deep sense of gratitude for the blessings that have come to me through Christian Science, and it is with a desire to tell others about it that I send this testimony.
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