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Conformity to Law
All who are interested in nothing the happy adjustment of means to an end cannot fail to be impressed as they look upon an up-to-date printing-press, a Jacquard loom, or any other of the thousand mechanical devices which figure so largely in modern so-called civilization. To observe the ease, the exactness, and the rapidity with which difficult things are done nowadays is simply fascinating, and one follows many of the intricate processes with something of the feeling with which he would watch the masterful performance of a great artist. In both instances there is manifest a marvel of intelligent command which in the one case is identified with a single personality, in the other with all who have contributed to the unfoldment of a complex idea.
It has been a long way from the first use of the wheel, the lever, and the wedge to the present perfection of the many wonder-working inventions which have so largely made the modern manufacturer a mere onlooker, and this gulf has been spanned by that patient coordination of right ideas which, as Christian Science is proving, has no less certainly to do with humanity's spiritual advance. Studious and persistent effort to find and profit by an unvarying and universal order explains all these mechanical achievements, and it also explains, as Mrs. Eddy has outlined on pages 226 and 227 of Science and Health, that triumph of spiritual understanding, that gain of "the prize of the high calling of God," the overcoming of sickness and sin, which is the glory of the Christian Science movement.
For most of us the attainment of eternal life involves a patient trying-out procedure, in which we demonstrate and so finally accept and assimilate real values for ourselves by subjecting the ideas communicated to us to that repeated test which is rightly named scientific. The perception and utilization of divine law, even as inventors have discovered and applied material laws, points the one way to individual and world redemption; and here every genuine good that has been gained in past religious history is conserved and added to, in that going on "unto perfection" which the knowledge of the Christ Science stimulates and makes possible. To realize and profit by the higher potencies of faith in Christian Science is to honor every right and every noble deed of all mankind in all the past,—and what a blessing it would prove if all religionists would but awaken to this fact!
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May 27, 1916 issue
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Safeguarding the Home of Thought
A Lesson from the Sunshine
Ark of the Covenant
"Ye have need of patience"
Being a Blessing
Enlightenment Born of Experience
In his sermon at the George Street Congregational Church...
Charles W. J. Tennant
I would be glad to have space for comment on your statement...
Thorwald Siegfried
Christian Science declares that God, Spirit, Mind, is the...
Robert S. Ross
In a review of a book of addresses recently published, it is...
Duncan Sinclair
Take Notice
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"Judge not"
Archibald McLellan
Conformity to Law
John B. Willis
"Faith and unfaith"
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Will McConnell, D. R. Crissinger, Joseph B. Mills, W. M. Odell, V. W. Helm, A. G. Wilson
It was about twenty-five years ago that Christian Science...
E. Everett MacGill
I feel impelled by a great sense of joy to tell what Christian Science...
Maria Louisa Johnson
The Preface of Science and Health opens with the words,...
John H. Pitchford
With a heart filled with gratitude I wish to acknowledge...
Mary Frederica Heinz
It has been my privilege to experience God's care and...
Margarete Kuebusch
Four years ago I began the study of Christian Science,...
Virginia M. Pritchard
As one who has received untold blessings through the...
Frank C. Treacher
Christian Science healed me of a malignant growth on the...
Nannie G. Wilson with contributions from Marie Hawley Bell
Several years ago I received the first Christian Science...
Minnie A. St. John
I have a deep sense of gratitude for the blessings that have...
Bessie C. Broun with contributions from Emerson
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Henry Kingman, Ryle