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It was about twenty-five years ago that Christian Science...
It was about twenty-five years ago that Christian Science was introduced to the quiet little Wisconsin village of which I was at that time a resident, and well do I remember the manner in which it was received by those who did not then accept its teachings. The objections to what we supposed it to be were pronounced, and we tried to persuade those who accepted it to drop it. It did not seem to us possible that the healing power of Truth as demonstrated by Christ Jesus and his followers in the days of primitive Christianity could be discovered by a woman of our day. We were so very skeptical that our prejudice was not destroyed even though we witnessed the proofs, the healing and reforming value of Christian Science.
I did not then understand the kindness and patience which the Christian Scientists exhibited, but I can now see how they had grown in grace until they would not see the evil by which we were allowing ourselves to be influenced, as being anything real or a part of the real child of God. The time soon came, however, when I too needed help. Materia medica was given a trial for several years, until I was told by a specialist that I had a form of skin disease that he could not cure, as he had exhausted all the means at his command without success. In the mean time Christian Science had been recommended to my wife and boy, and treatment given to them with very satisfactory results. I was finally ready to ask for help, and then and there the seemingly great wall of prejudice melted away and the journey from sense to Soul began.
Physical healing and spiritual uplift were one and the same to me, for after the first treatment I laid off glasses, and a moral reformation and a new interest in the study of the Bible began. It was about two years before all evidence of the eruption was gone. The healing seemed slow, and during this time those of my family who had recommended Christian Science became discouraged and suggested that I return to the specialist; but perseverance and the loving patience of the practitioner kept me studying until the healing was complete. I have since been a daily student of the Bible, as well as of Science and Health and other Christian Science literature, and have received untold benefits. It has become a real pleasure in the home, the church, the office, and everywhere, to know something of the joy of service, how to rest in action, and to seek my own in another's good. (See Science and Health, p. 518.)
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May 27, 1916 issue
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Safeguarding the Home of Thought
A Lesson from the Sunshine
Ark of the Covenant
"Ye have need of patience"
Being a Blessing
Enlightenment Born of Experience
In his sermon at the George Street Congregational Church...
Charles W. J. Tennant
I would be glad to have space for comment on your statement...
Thorwald Siegfried
Christian Science declares that God, Spirit, Mind, is the...
Robert S. Ross
In a review of a book of addresses recently published, it is...
Duncan Sinclair
Take Notice
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"Judge not"
Archibald McLellan
Conformity to Law
John B. Willis
"Faith and unfaith"
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Will McConnell, D. R. Crissinger, Joseph B. Mills, W. M. Odell, V. W. Helm, A. G. Wilson
It was about twenty-five years ago that Christian Science...
E. Everett MacGill
I feel impelled by a great sense of joy to tell what Christian Science...
Maria Louisa Johnson
The Preface of Science and Health opens with the words,...
John H. Pitchford
With a heart filled with gratitude I wish to acknowledge...
Mary Frederica Heinz
It has been my privilege to experience God's care and...
Margarete Kuebusch
Four years ago I began the study of Christian Science,...
Virginia M. Pritchard
As one who has received untold blessings through the...
Frank C. Treacher
Christian Science healed me of a malignant growth on the...
Nannie G. Wilson with contributions from Marie Hawley Bell
Several years ago I received the first Christian Science...
Minnie A. St. John
I have a deep sense of gratitude for the blessings that have...
Bessie C. Broun with contributions from Emerson
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Henry Kingman, Ryle