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The Preface of Science and Health opens with the words,...
The Preface of Science and Health opens with the words, "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings" (p. vii). This great truth has been proved to me in many ways. Soon after leaving school in 1902 I was attacked with a severe stomach trouble, which was not overcome until Christian Science found me in 1911. In September of that year a friend told me about the healing accomplished in Christian Science. At that time I had been confined to my room about nine days with what the doctor called malarial fever and other complaints, and my eyes were badly affected. My friend almost insisted on my going to see a practitioner, even though I did not care to go and thought I was not able to do so.
The practitioner asked me if I believed in Christian Science enough to lay aside all material means and trust God. I said I did, but my thought was that I would try it a few days, and if it failed to help me I would return to my medicines. She then gave me a silent treatment and had me read aloud the Lord's Prayer with its spiritual interpretation as given on page 16 of Science and Health. When I asked her what I could eat, she told me I could have anything I wanted, saying the food God provided never made any one sick. That night I slept well, a very unusual thing, and the next morning arose feeling all right. I went to work, and found that I could walk without getting tired, something I had not done for a long time. It rained heavily and I stopped for a while, then went on with no harmful results. That was the end of my illness.
My eyes were so badly affected that I could not read more than twenty minutes at a time; but now my sight is perfect. Corns and bunions have disappeared, also a throat trouble which I thought was hereditary. In April, 1913, I was overcome with a painful spasmodic ailment. I worked four hours declaring the truth, but as the difficulty had not been overcome, I again called for help, and the trouble disappeared within an hour. It has been over three years since I took any medicine.
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May 27, 1916 issue
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Safeguarding the Home of Thought
A Lesson from the Sunshine
Ark of the Covenant
"Ye have need of patience"
Being a Blessing
Enlightenment Born of Experience
In his sermon at the George Street Congregational Church...
Charles W. J. Tennant
I would be glad to have space for comment on your statement...
Thorwald Siegfried
Christian Science declares that God, Spirit, Mind, is the...
Robert S. Ross
In a review of a book of addresses recently published, it is...
Duncan Sinclair
Take Notice
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"Judge not"
Archibald McLellan
Conformity to Law
John B. Willis
"Faith and unfaith"
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Will McConnell, D. R. Crissinger, Joseph B. Mills, W. M. Odell, V. W. Helm, A. G. Wilson
It was about twenty-five years ago that Christian Science...
E. Everett MacGill
I feel impelled by a great sense of joy to tell what Christian Science...
Maria Louisa Johnson
The Preface of Science and Health opens with the words,...
John H. Pitchford
With a heart filled with gratitude I wish to acknowledge...
Mary Frederica Heinz
It has been my privilege to experience God's care and...
Margarete Kuebusch
Four years ago I began the study of Christian Science,...
Virginia M. Pritchard
As one who has received untold blessings through the...
Frank C. Treacher
Christian Science healed me of a malignant growth on the...
Nannie G. Wilson with contributions from Marie Hawley Bell
Several years ago I received the first Christian Science...
Minnie A. St. John
I have a deep sense of gratitude for the blessings that have...
Bessie C. Broun with contributions from Emerson
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Henry Kingman, Ryle